Man pages for factorMerger
The Merging Path Plot

BRCABreast cancer dataset
cutTreeCut a Factor Merger Tree
essEuropean Social Survey - happiness
generateMultivariateSampleGenerate multivariate normal sample
generateSampleGenerate sample
getOptimalPartitionGet optimal partition (final clusters names)
getOptimalPartitionDfGet optimal partition (clusters dictionary)
groupsStatsGroups statistic
mergeFactorsMerge factors
mergingHistoryMerging history
pisa2012PISA 2012 dataset
plotBoxplotBoxplot (single-dimensional Gaussian)
plot.factorMergerPlot Factor Merger
plotFrequencyFrequency plot
plotGICGIC plot
plotHeatmapHeatmap (multi-dimensional Gaussian)
plotMeansAndConfIntMeans and standard deviation plot (single-dimensional...
plotProfileProfile plot (multi-dimensional Gaussian)
plotProportionProportion plot (binomial)
plotResponsePlot Response - Helper Function
plotSurvivalSurvival plot (survival)
plotTreePlot Tree - Helper Function
plotTukeyTukeyHSD Plot
factorMerger documentation built on July 4, 2019, 1:02 a.m.