dot-parse_preprocessing_settings: Internal function for parsing settings related to...

.parse_preprocessing_settingsR Documentation

Internal function for parsing settings related to preprocessing


Internal function for parsing settings related to preprocessing


  config = NULL,
  feature_max_fraction_missing = waiver(),
  sample_max_fraction_missing = waiver(),
  filter_method = waiver(),
  univariate_test_threshold = waiver(),
  univariate_test_threshold_metric = waiver(),
  univariate_test_max_feature_set_size = waiver(),
  low_var_minimum_variance_threshold = waiver(),
  low_var_max_feature_set_size = waiver(),
  robustness_icc_type = waiver(),
  robustness_threshold_metric = waiver(),
  robustness_threshold_value = waiver(),
  transformation_method = waiver(),
  transformation_optimisation_criterion = waiver(),
  transformation_gof_test_p_value = waiver(),
  normalisation_method = waiver(),
  batch_normalisation_method = waiver(),
  imputation_method = waiver(),
  cluster_method = waiver(),
  cluster_linkage_method = waiver(),
  cluster_cut_method = waiver(),
  cluster_similarity_metric = waiver(),
  cluster_similarity_threshold = waiver(),
  cluster_representation_method = waiver(),
  parallel_preprocessing = waiver(),



A list of settings, e.g. from an xml file.


Data set as loaded using the .load_data function.


Logical value that whether familiar uses parallelisation. If FALSE it will override parallel_preprocessing.


Type of outcome found in the data set.


(optional) Numeric value between 0.0 and 0.95 that determines the meximum fraction of missing values that still allows a feature to be included in the data set. All features with a missing value fraction over this threshold are not processed further. The default value is 0.30.


(optional) Numeric value between 0.0 and 0.95 that determines the maximum fraction of missing values that still allows a sample to be included in the data set. All samples with a missing value fraction over this threshold are excluded and not processed further. The default value is 0.30.


(optional) One or methods used to reduce dimensionality of the data set by removing irrelevant or poorly reproducible features.

Several method are available:

  • none (default): None of the features will be filtered.

  • low_variance: Features with a variance below the low_var_minimum_variance_threshold are filtered. This can be useful to filter, for example, genes that are not differentially expressed.

  • univariate_test: Features undergo a univariate regression using an outcome-appropriate regression model. The p-value of the model coefficient is collected. Features with coefficient p or q-value above the univariate_test_threshold are subsequently filtered.

  • robustness: Features that are not sufficiently robust according to the intraclass correlation coefficient are filtered. Use of this method requires that repeated measurements are present in the data set, i.e. there should be entries for which the sample and cohort identifiers are the same.

More than one method can be used simultaneously. Features with singular values are always filtered, as these do not contain information.


(optional) Numeric value between 1.0 and 0.0 that determines which features are irrelevant and will be filtered by the univariate_test. The p or q-values are compared to this threshold. All features with values above the threshold are filtered. The default value is 0.20.


(optional) Metric used with the to compare the univariate_test_threshold against. The following metrics can be chosen:

  • p_value (default): The unadjusted p-value of each feature is used for to filter features.

  • q_value: The q-value (Story, 2002), is used to filter features. Some data sets may have insufficient samples to compute the q-value. The qvalue package must be installed from Bioconductor to use this method.


(optional) Maximum size of the feature set after the univariate test. P or q values of features are compared against the threshold, but if the resulting data set would be larger than this setting, only the most relevant features up to the desired feature set size are selected.

The default value is NULL, which causes features to be filtered based on their relevance only.


(required, if used) Numeric value that determines which features will be filtered by the low_variance method. The variance of each feature is computed and compared to the threshold. If it is below the threshold, the feature is removed.

This parameter has no default value and should be set if low_variance is used.


(optional) Maximum size of the feature set after filtering features with a low variance. All features are first compared against low_var_minimum_variance_threshold. If the resulting feature set would be larger than specified, only the most strongly varying features will be selected, up to the desired size of the feature set.

The default value is NULL, which causes features to be filtered based on their variance only.


(optional) String indicating the type of intraclass correlation coefficient (1, 2 or 3) that should be used to compute robustness for features in repeated measurements. These types correspond to the types in Shrout and Fleiss (1979). The default value is 1.


(optional) String indicating which specific intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) metric should be used to filter features. This should be one of:

  • icc: The estimated ICC value itself.

  • icc_low (default): The estimated lower limit of the 95% confidence interval of the ICC, as suggested by Koo and Li (2016).

  • icc_panel: The estimated ICC value over the panel average, i.e. the ICC that would be obtained if all repeated measurements were averaged.

  • icc_panel_low: The estimated lower limit of the 95% confidence interval of the panel ICC.


(optional) The intraclass correlation coefficient value that is as threshold. The default value is 0.70.


(optional) The transformation method used to change the distribution of the data to be more normal-like. The following methods are available:

  • none: This disables transformation of features.

  • yeo_johnson: Transformation using the location and scale invariant version of the Yeo-Johnson transformation (Yeo and Johnson, 2000; Zwanenburg and Löck, 2023).

  • yeo_johnson_robust (default): A robust version of yeo_johnson. This method is less sensitive to outliers.

  • yeo_johnson_conventional: As yeo_johnson, but without optimisation of location and scale parameters. This method is equivalent to the original transformation proposed by Yeo and Johnson (2001).

  • box_cox: Transformation using the location and scale invariant version of the Box-Cox transformation (Box and Cox, 1964; Zwanenburg and Löck, 2023).

  • box_cox_robust: A robust version of yeo_johnson. This method is less sensitive to outliers.

  • box_cox_conventional: As box_cox, but without optimisation of location and scale parameters. This method is equivalent to the original transformation proposed by Box and Cox (1964). This method requires strictly positive feature values.

Transformation requires the power.transform package. Only features that contain numerical data are transformed. Transformation parameters obtained in development data are stored within featureInfo objects for later use with validation data sets.


(optional) Transformation parameters are optimised using a criterion, conventionally maximum-likelihood-estimation. power.transform implements multiple optimisation criteria, of which the following are available:

  • mle (default): Optimisation using maximum likelihood estimation.

  • cramer_von_mises: Optimisation using the Cramér-von Mises criterion. Zwanenburg and Löck (2023) found that this criterion was relatively robust against outliers.


(optional) Not all transformations will lead to features that are roughly normally distributed. Zwanenburg and Löck (2023) established a empirical goodness-of-fit test for central normality. This parameter sets the significance for rejecting the null-hypothesis that a feature distribution is centrally normal. When the null-hypothesis is rejected, no transformation is performed. The default value is NULL, which disables the test.


(optional) The normalisation method used to improve the comparability between numerical features that may have very different scales. The following normalisation methods can be chosen:

  • none: This disables feature normalisation.

  • standardisation: Features are normalised by subtraction of their mean values and division by their standard deviations. This causes every feature to be have a center value of 0.0 and standard deviation of 1.0.

  • standardisation_trim: As standardisation, but based on the set of feature values where the 5% lowest and 5% highest values are discarded. This reduces the effect of outliers.

  • standardisation_winsor: As standardisation, but based on the set of feature values where the 5% lowest and 5% highest values are winsorised. This reduces the effect of outliers.

  • standardisation_robust (default): A robust version of standardisation that relies on computing Huber's M-estimators for location and scale.

  • normalisation: Features are normalised by subtraction of their minimum values and division by their ranges. This maps all feature values to a [0, 1] interval.

  • normalisation_trim: As normalisation, but based on the set of feature values where the 5% lowest and 5% highest values are discarded. This reduces the effect of outliers.

  • normalisation_winsor: As normalisation, but based on the set of feature values where the 5% lowest and 5% highest values are winsorised. This reduces the effect of outliers.

  • quantile: Features are normalised by subtraction of their median values and division by their interquartile range.

  • mean_centering: Features are centered by substracting the mean, but do not undergo rescaling.

Only features that contain numerical data are normalised. Normalisation parameters obtained in development data are stored within featureInfo objects for later use with validation data sets.


(optional) The method used for batch normalisation. Available methods are:

  • none (default): This disables batch normalisation of features.

  • standardisation: Features within each batch are normalised by subtraction of the mean value and division by the standard deviation in each batch.

  • standardisation_trim: As standardisation, but based on the set of feature values where the 5% lowest and 5% highest values are discarded. This reduces the effect of outliers.

  • standardisation_winsor: As standardisation, but based on the set of feature values where the 5% lowest and 5% highest values are winsorised. This reduces the effect of outliers.

  • standardisation_robust: A robust version of standardisation that relies on computing Huber's M-estimators for location and scale within each batch.

  • normalisation: Features within each batch are normalised by subtraction of their minimum values and division by their range in each batch. This maps all feature values in each batch to a [0, 1] interval.

  • normalisation_trim: As normalisation, but based on the set of feature values where the 5% lowest and 5% highest values are discarded. This reduces the effect of outliers.

  • normalisation_winsor: As normalisation, but based on the set of feature values where the 5% lowest and 5% highest values are winsorised. This reduces the effect of outliers.

  • quantile: Features in each batch are normalised by subtraction of the median value and division by the interquartile range of each batch.

  • mean_centering: Features in each batch are centered on 0.0 by substracting the mean value in each batch, but are not rescaled.

  • combat_parametric: Batch adjustments using parametric empirical Bayes (Johnson et al, 2007). combat_p leads to the same method.

  • combat_non_parametric: Batch adjustments using non-parametric empirical Bayes (Johnson et al, 2007). combat_np and combat lead to the same method. Note that we reduced complexity from O(n^2) to O(n) by only computing batch adjustment parameters for each feature on a subset of 50 randomly selected features, instead of all features.

Only features that contain numerical data are normalised using batch normalisation. Batch normalisation parameters obtained in development data are stored within featureInfo objects for later use with validation data sets, in case the validation data is from the same batch.

If validation data contains data from unknown batches, normalisation parameters are separately determined for these batches.

Note that for both empirical Bayes methods, the batch effect is assumed to produce results across the features. This is often true for things such as gene expressions, but the assumption may not hold generally.

When performing batch normalisation, it is moreover important to check that differences between batches or cohorts are not related to the studied endpoint.


(optional) Method used for imputing missing feature values. Two methods are implemented:

  • simple: Simple replacement of a missing value by the median value (for numeric features) or the modal value (for categorical features).

  • lasso: Imputation of missing value by lasso regression (using glmnet) based on information contained in other features.

simple imputation precedes lasso imputation to ensure that any missing values in predictors required for lasso regression are resolved. The lasso estimate is then used to replace the missing value.

The default value depends on the number of features in the dataset. If the number is lower than 100, lasso is used by default, and simple otherwise.

Only single imputation is performed. Imputation models and parameters are stored within featureInfo objects for later use with validation data sets.


(optional) Clustering is performed to identify and replace redundant features, for example those that are highly correlated. Such features do not carry much additional information and may be removed or replaced instead (Park et al., 2007; Tolosi and Lengauer, 2011).

The cluster method determines the algorithm used to form the clusters. The following cluster methods are implemented:

  • none: No clustering is performed.

  • hclust (default): Hierarchical agglomerative clustering. If the fastcluster package is installed, fastcluster::hclust is used (Muellner 2013), otherwise stats::hclust is used.

  • agnes: Hierarchical clustering using agglomerative nesting (Kaufman and Rousseeuw, 1990). This algorithm is similar to hclust, but uses the cluster::agnes implementation.

  • diana: Divisive analysis hierarchical clustering. This method uses divisive instead of agglomerative clustering (Kaufman and Rousseeuw, 1990). cluster::diana is used.

  • pam: Partioning around medioids. This partitions the data into $k$ clusters around medioids (Kaufman and Rousseeuw, 1990). $k$ is selected using the silhouette metric. pam is implemented using the cluster::pam function.

Clusters and cluster information is stored within featureInfo objects for later use with validation data sets. This enables reproduction of the same clusters as formed in the development data set.


(optional) Linkage method used for agglomerative clustering in hclust and agnes. The following linkage methods can be used:

  • average (default): Average linkage.

  • single: Single linkage.

  • complete: Complete linkage.

  • weighted: Weighted linkage, also known as McQuitty linkage.

  • ward: Linkage using Ward's minimum variance method.

diana and pam do not require a linkage method.


(optional) The method used to define the actual clusters. The following methods can be used:

  • silhouette: Clusters are formed based on the silhouette score (Rousseeuw, 1987). The average silhouette score is computed from 2 to n clusters, with n the number of features. Clusters are only formed if the average silhouette exceeds 0.50, which indicates reasonable evidence for structure. This procedure may be slow if the number of features is large (>100s).

  • fixed_cut: Clusters are formed by cutting the hierarchical tree at the point indicated by the cluster_similarity_threshold, e.g. where features in a cluster have an average Spearman correlation of 0.90. fixed_cut is only available for agnes, diana and hclust.

  • dynamic_cut: Dynamic cluster formation using the cutting algorithm in the dynamicTreeCut package. This package should be installed to select this option. dynamic_cut can only be used with agnes and hclust.

The default options are silhouette for partioning around medioids (pam) and fixed_cut otherwise.


(optional) Clusters are formed based on feature similarity. All features are compared in a pair-wise fashion to compute similarity, for example correlation. The resulting similarity grid is converted into a distance matrix that is subsequently used for clustering. The following metrics are supported to compute pairwise similarities:

  • mutual_information (default): normalised mutual information.

  • mcfadden_r2: McFadden's pseudo R-squared (McFadden, 1974).

  • cox_snell_r2: Cox and Snell's pseudo R-squared (Cox and Snell, 1989).

  • nagelkerke_r2: Nagelkerke's pseudo R-squared (Nagelkerke, 1991).

  • spearman: Spearman's rank order correlation.

  • kendall: Kendall rank correlation.

  • pearson: Pearson product-moment correlation.

The pseudo R-squared metrics can be used to assess similarity between mixed pairs of numeric and categorical features, as these are based on the log-likelihood of regression models. In familiar, the more informative feature is used as the predictor and the other feature as the reponse variable. In numeric-categorical pairs, the numeric feature is considered to be more informative and is thus used as the predictor. In categorical-categorical pairs, the feature with most levels is used as the predictor.

In case any of the classical correlation coefficients (pearson, spearman and kendall) are used with (mixed) categorical features, the categorical features are one-hot encoded and the mean correlation over all resulting pairs is used as similarity.


(optional) The threshold level for pair-wise similarity that is required to form clusters using fixed_cut. This should be a numerical value between 0.0 and 1.0. Note however, that a reasonable threshold value depends strongly on the similarity metric. The following are the default values used:

  • mcfadden_r2 and mutual_information: 0.30

  • cox_snell_r2 and nagelkerke_r2: 0.75

  • spearman, kendall and pearson: 0.90

Alternatively, if the ⁠fixed cut⁠ method is not used, this value determines whether any clustering should be performed, because the data may not contain highly similar features. The default values in this situation are:

  • mcfadden_r2 and mutual_information: 0.25

  • cox_snell_r2 and nagelkerke_r2: 0.40

  • spearman, kendall and pearson: 0.70

The threshold value is converted to a distance (1-similarity) prior to cutting hierarchical trees.


(optional) Method used to determine how the information of co-clustered features is summarised and used to represent the cluster. The following methods can be selected:

  • best_predictor (default): The feature with the highest importance according to univariate regression with the outcome is used to represent the cluster.

  • medioid: The feature closest to the cluster center, i.e. the feature that is most similar to the remaining features in the cluster, is used to represent the feature.

  • mean: A meta-feature is generated by averaging the feature values for all features in a cluster. This method aligns all features so that all features will be positively correlated prior to averaging. Should a cluster contain one or more categorical features, the medioid method will be used instead, as averaging is not possible. Note that if this method is chosen, the normalisation_method parameter should be one of standardisation, standardisation_trim, standardisation_winsor or quantile.'

If the pam cluster method is selected, only the medioid method can be used. In that case 1 medioid is used by default.


(optional) Enable parallel processing for the preprocessing workflow. Defaults to TRUE. When set to FALSE, this will disable the use of parallel processing while preprocessing, regardless of the settings of the parallel parameter. parallel_preprocessing is ignored if parallel=FALSE.


Unused arguments.


List of parameters related to preprocessing.


  1. Storey, J. D. A direct approach to false discovery rates. J. R. Stat. Soc. Series B Stat. Methodol. 64, 479–498 (2002).

  2. Shrout, P. E. & Fleiss, J. L. Intraclass correlations: uses in assessing rater reliability. Psychol. Bull. 86, 420–428 (1979).

  3. Koo, T. K. & Li, M. Y. A guideline of selecting and reporting intraclass correlation coefficients for reliability research. J. Chiropr. Med. 15, 155–163 (2016).

  4. Yeo, I. & Johnson, R. A. A new family of power transformations to improve normality or symmetry. Biometrika 87, 954–959 (2000).

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  10. Kaufman, L. & Rousseeuw, P. J. Finding groups in data: an introduction to cluster analysis. (John Wiley & Sons, 2009).

  11. Muellner, D. fastcluster: fast hierarchical, agglomerative clustering routines for R and Python. J. Stat. Softw. 53, 1–18 (2013).

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  14. McFadden, D. Conditional logit analysis of qualitative choice behavior. in Frontiers in Econometrics (ed. Zarembka, P.) 105–142 (Academic Press, 1974).

  15. Cox, D. R. & Snell, E. J. Analysis of binary data. (Chapman and Hall, 1989).

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