aghQuad: Adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature using Laplace approximation

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aghQuadR Documentation

Adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature using Laplace approximation


Convenience function for integration of a scalar function g based upon its Laplace approximation.


aghQuad(g, muHat, sigmaHat, rule, ...)



Function to integrate with respect to first (scalar) argument


Mode for Laplace approximation


Scale for Laplace approximation (sqrt(-1/H), where H is the second derivative of g at muHat)


Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule to use, as produced by gaussHermiteData


Additional arguments for g


This function approximates

integral( g(x), -Inf, Inf)

using the method of Liu & Pierce (1994). This technique uses a Gaussian approximation of g (or the distribution component of g, if an expectation is desired) to "focus" quadrature around the high-density region of the distribution. Formally, it evaluates:

sqrt(2) * sigmaHat * sum( w * exp(x^2) * g(muHat + sqrt(2) * sigmaHat * x))

sqrt(2) * sigmaHat * sum( w * exp(x^2) * g(muHat + sqrt(2) * sigmaHat * x))

where x and w come from the given rule.

This method can, in many cases (where the Gaussian approximation is reasonably good), achieve better results with 10-100 quadrature points than with 1e6 or more draws for Monte Carlo integration. It is particularly useful for obtaining marginal likelihoods (or posteriors) in hierarchical and multilevel models — where conditional independence allows for unidimensional integration, adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature is often extremely effective.


Numeric (scalar) with approximation integral of g from -Inf to Inf.


Alexander W Blocker


Liu, Q. and Pierce, D. A. (1994). A Note on Gauss-Hermite Quadrature. Biometrika, 81(3) 624-629.

See Also

gaussHermiteData, ghQuad


# Get quadrature rules
rule10  <- gaussHermiteData(10)
rule100 <- gaussHermiteData(100)

# Estimating normalizing constants
g <- function(x) 1/(1+x^2/10)^(11/2) # t distribution with 10 df
aghQuad(g, 0, 1.1,  rule10)
aghQuad(g, 0, 1.1,  rule100)
# actual is

# Can work well even when the approximation is not exact
g <- function(x) exp(-abs(x)) # Laplace distribution
aghQuad(g, 0, 2,  rule10)
aghQuad(g, 0, 2,  rule100)
# actual is 2

# Estimating expectations
# Variances for the previous two distributions
g <- function(x) x^2*dt(x,10) # t distribution with 10 df
aghQuad(g, 0, 1.1,  rule10)
aghQuad(g, 0, 1.1,  rule100)
# actual is 1.25

# Can work well even when the approximation is not exact
g <- function(x) x^2*exp(-abs(x))/2 # Laplace distribution
aghQuad(g, 0, 2,  rule10)
aghQuad(g, 0, 2,  rule100)
# actual is 2

fastGHQuad documentation built on May 6, 2022, 1:06 a.m.