Man pages for fastMatMR
High-Performance Matrix Market File Operations

fmm_to_matConvert Matrix Market File to Matrix
fmm_to_sparse_MatrixConvert Matrix Market File to Sparse Matrix
fmm_to_vecConvert Matrix Market File to Numeric Vector
intmat_to_fmmConvert a Numeric Matrix to Matrix Market Format
intvec_to_fmmConvert a numeric integer vector to Matrix Market Format
mat_to_fmmConvert a Numeric Matrix to Matrix Market Format
sparse_Matrix_to_fmmConvert a Sparse Numeric Matrix to Matrix Market Format
vec_to_fmmConvert a Numeric Vector to Matrix Market Format
write_fmmConvert Various Numeric Types to Matrix Market Format
fastMatMR documentation built on Nov. 4, 2023, 1:08 a.m.