de_analysis: Differential Expression Analysis using a Topic Model

de_analysisR Documentation

Differential Expression Analysis using a Topic Model


Implements methods for differential expression analysis using a topic model. These methods are motivated by gene expression studies, but could have other uses, such as identifying “key words” for topics.


  s = rowSums(X),
  pseudocount = 0.01,
  fit.method = c("scd", "em", "mu", "ccd", "glm"),
  shrink.method = c("ash", "none"),
  lfc.stat = "le",
  control = list(),
  verbose = TRUE,




An object of class “poisson_nmf_fit” or “multinom_topic_model_fit”, or an n x k matrix of topic proportions, where k is the number of topics. (The elements in each row of this matrix should sum to 1.) If a Poisson NMF fit is provided as input, the corresponding multinomial topic model fit is automatically recovered using poisson2multinom.


The n x m counts matrix. It can be a sparse matrix (class "dgCMatrix") or dense matrix (class "matrix").


A numeric vector of length n determining how the rates are scaled in the Poisson models. See “Details” for guidance on the choice of s.


Observations with this value are added to the counts matrix to stabilize maximum-likelihood estimation.


Method used to fit the Poisson models. Note that fit.method = "glm" is the slowest method, and is mainly used for testing.


Method used to stabilize the posterior mean LFC estimates. When shrink.method = "ash", the "adaptive shrinkage" method implemented in the ‘ashr’ package is used to compute posterior. When shrink.method = "none", no stabilization is performed, and the “raw” posterior mean LFC estimates are returned.


The log-fold change statistics returned: lfc.stat = "vsnull", the log-fold change relative to the null; lfc.stat = "le", the “least extreme” LFC; or a topic name or number, in which case the LFC is defined relative to the selected topic. See “Details” for more detailed explanations of these choices.


A list of parameters controlling behaviour of the optimization and Monte Carlo algorithms. See ‘Details’.


When verbose = TRUE, progress information is printed to the console.


When shrink.method = "ash", these are additional arguments passed to ash.


The methods are based on the Poisson model

x_i ~ Poisson(\lambda_i),

in which the Poisson rates are

\lambda_i = \sum_{j=1}^k s_i l_{ij} f_j,

the l_{ik} are the topic proportions and the f_j are the unknowns to be estimated. This model is applied separately to each column of X. When s_i (specified by input argument s) is equal the total count in row i (this is the default), the Poisson model will closely approximate a binomial model of the count data, and the unknowns f_j will approximate binomial probabilities. (The Poisson approximation to the binomial is most accurate when the total counts rowSums(X) are large and the unknowns f_j are small.) Other choices for s are possible, and implement different normalization schemes.

To allow for some flexibility, de_analysis allows for the log-fold change to be measured in several ways.

One option is to compare against the probability under the null model: LFC(j) = log2(f_j/f_0), where f_0 is the single parameter in the Poisson model x_i ~ Poisson(\lambda_i) with rates \lambda_i = s_i f_0. This LFC definition is chosen with lfc.stat = "vsnull".

Another option is to compare against a chosen topic, k: LFC(j) = log2(f_j/f_k). By definition, LFC(k) is zero, and statistics such as z-scores and p-values for topic k are set to NA. This LFC definition is selected by setting lfc.stat = k.

A final option (which is the default) computes the “least extreme” LFC, defined as LFC(j) = log2(f_j/f_k) such that k is the topic other than j that gives the ratio f_j/f_k closest to 1. This option is chosen with lfc.stat = "le".

We recommend setting shrink.method = "ash", which uses the “adaptive shrinkage” method (Stephens, 2016) to improve accuracy of the posterior mean estimates and z-scores. We follow the settings used in lfcShrink from the ‘DESeq2’ package, with type = "ashr".

Note that all LFC statistics are defined using the base-2 logarithm following the conventioned used in differential expression analysis.

The control argument is a list in which any of the following named components will override the default optimization algorithm settings (as they are defined by de_analysis_control_default):


Maximum number of iterations performed in fitting the Poisson models. When fit.method = "glm", this is passed as argument maxit to the glm function.


A small, positive number. All topic proportions less than this value and greater than 1 - minval are set to this value.


Controls the convergence tolerance for fitting the Poisson models. When fit.method = "glm", this is passed as argument epsilon to function glm.


The size of the highest posterior density (HPD) intervals. Should be a number greater than 0 and less than 1.


Number of Monte Carlo samples simulated by random-walk MCMC for estimating posterior LFC quantities.


The standard deviation of the normal density used to propose new states in the random-walk MCMC.


A small, non-negative number added to the terms inside the logarithms to avoid computing logarithms of zero.


Number of threads used in the multithreaded computations. This controls both (a) the number of RcppParallel threads used to fit the factors in the Poisson models, and (b) the number of cores used in mclapply for the MCMC simulation step. Note that mclapply relies on forking hence is not available on Windows; will return an error on Windows unless nc = 1. Also note that setting nc > 1 copies the contents of memory nc times, which can lead to poor performance if the total resident memory required exceeds available physical memory.


Number of threads used in the numerical linear algebra library (e.g., OpenBLAS), if available. For best performance, we recommend setting this to 1 (i.e., no multithreading).


The number of data splits used in the multithreaded computations (only relevant when nc > 1). More splits increase the granularity of the progress bar, but can also slow down the mutithreaded computations by introducing more overhead in the call to pblapply.


A list with the following elements:


The log-fold change maximum-likelihood estimates.


Posterior mean LFC estimates.


Lower limits of estimated HPD intervals. Note that these are not updated by the shrinkage step.


Upper limits of estimated HPD intervals. Note that these are not updated by the shrinkage step.


z-scores for posterior mean LFC estimates.


-log10 two-tailed p-values obtained from the z-scores. When shrink.method = "ash", this is NA, and the s-values are returned instead (see below).


s-values returned by ash. s-values are analogous to q-values, but based on the local false sign rate; see Stephens (2016).


When shrink.method = "ash" only, this output contains the estimated local false sign rates.


When shrink.method = "ash" only, this output contains the ash return value (after removing the "data", "result" and "call" list elements).


Maximum-likelihood estimates of the Poisson model parameters.


Maximum-likelihood estimates of the null model parameters.


A vector containing the Metropolis acceptance ratios from each MCMC run.


Stephens, M. (2016). False discovery rates: a new deal. Biostatistics 18(2), kxw041. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1093/biostatistics/kxw041")}

Zhu, A., Ibrahim, J. G. and Love, M. I. (2019). Heavy-tailed prior distributions for sequence count data: removing the noise and preserving large differences. Bioinformatics 35(12), 2084–2092.


# Perform a differential expression (DE) analysis using the previously
# fitted multinomial topic model. Note that the de_analysis call could
# take several minutes to complete.

de <- de_analysis(pbmc_facs$fit,pbmc_facs$counts)

# Compile the DE analysis results for topic 4 into a table, and
# rank the genes by the posterior mean log-fold change, limiting to
# DE genes identified with low lfsr ("local false sign rate").
k <- 4
dat <- data.frame(postmean = de$postmean[,k],
                  z        = de$z[,k],
                  lfsr     = de$lfsr[,k])
rownames(dat) <- with(pbmc_facs$genes,paste(symbol,ensembl,sep = "_"))
dat <- subset(dat,lfsr < 0.01)
dat <- dat[order(dat$postmean,decreasing = TRUE),]

# Genes at the top of this ranking are genes that are much more
# highly expressed in the topic compared to other topics.
head(dat,n = 10)

# The genes at the bottom of the ranking are genes that are much less
# expressed in the topic.
tail(dat,n = 10)

# Create a volcano plot from the DE results for topic 4.
volcano_plot(de,k = k,ymax = 50,labels = pbmc_facs$genes$symbol)

fastTopics documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:14 p.m.