
#' Survival of Titanic passengers
#' A data set containing the survival outcome, passenger class, age, sex, and 
#' the number of family members for a large number of passengers aboard the 
#' ill-fated Titanic.
#' @note As mentioned in the column description, `age` contains 263 `NA`s (or 
#' missing values). For a complete version (or versions) of the data set, see
#' [titanic_mice].
#' @format A data frame with 1309 observations on the following 6 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{survived}{binary with levels `"yes"` for survived and `"no"` 
#'   otherwise;}
#'   \item{pclass}{integer giving the corresponding passenger (i.e., ticket) 
#'   class with values 1--3;}
#'   \item{age}{the age in years of the corresponding passenger (with 263 
#'   missing values);}
#'   \item{sex}{factor giving the sex of each passenger with levels 
#'   `"male"` and `"female"`;}
#'   \item{sibsp}{integer giving the number of siblings/spouses aboard for each 
#'   passenger (ranges from 0--8);}
#'   \item{parch}{integer giving the number of parents/children aboard for each 
#'   passenger (ranges from 0--9).}
#' }
#' @source <https://hbiostat.org/data/>.
#' @rdname titanic

#' Survival of Titanic passengers
#' The [titanic] data set contains 263 missing values (i.e., `NA`'s) in the 
#' `age` column. This version of the data contains imputed values for the
#' `age` column using *multivariate imputation by chained equations* via 
#' the [mice](https://cran.r-project.org/package=mice) package. Consequently,
#' this is a list containing 11 imputed versions of the observations containd
#' in the [titanic] data frame; each completed data sets has the same dimension
#' and column structure as [titanic].
#' @source 
#' Greenwell, Brandon M. (2022). Tree-Based Methods for Statistical Learning in 
#' R. CRC Press.
#' @rdname titanic_mice

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