boxplotPOFD: Functional Boxplot for Partially Observed Functional Data

View source: R/boxplotPoFD.R

boxplotPOFDR Documentation

Functional Boxplot for Partially Observed Functional Data


Plots the Functional Boxplot for PoFD and returns the magnitude and domain outliers. Magnitude outliers in blue, a dotted red indicates that the outlier situation occurs in a region with less than fdom proportion of the central region.


boxplotPOFD(data, centralRegion = 0.5, fmag = 1.5, fdom = 0)



matrix p by n, being n the number of functions and p the number of grid points.


number between 0 and 1 determining the proportion of the deepest functions that builds the central region.


factor to enhance the functional central region and determine the functional whiskers. Default is equal to 1.5. The whiskers provide the rule to unmask magnitude outliers.


factor that provides the maximum proportion of observed functions in the central region to consider a magnitude outlier as a domain outlier also. A value equals to 0 means that domain outliers are those functions that are observed on the domain where any of the functions building the central region are observed. A value equals to 1 determine as domain outlier any magnitude outlier out of the region where the central region is completely observed.


a list with the functional boxplot for PoDF the magnitude outliers and the domain outliers.


Sun, Y. and Genton, M. G. (2011). Functional boxplots. Journal of Computational & Graphical Statistics, 20(2):316–334.


boxplotPOFD(exampleData$PoFDextremes_outliers, centralRegion = 0.5, fmag = 1.5, fdom = 0)

fdaPOIFD documentation built on May 16, 2022, 5:05 p.m.