Man pages for feamiR
Classification and Feature Selection for microRNA/mRNA Interactions

decisiontreeDecision tree Trains a decision on the given training dataset...
dtreevotingDecision tree voting scheme. Implements a feature selection...
eGAEmbryonic Genetic Algorithm. Feature selection based on...
feamiRfeamiR: Classification and feature selection for...
forwardfeatureselectionForward Feature Selection. Performs forward feature selection...
geneticalgorithmStandard Genetic Algorithm. Implements a standard genetic...
preparedatasetDataset preparation This step performs all preparation...
randomforestRandom Forest. Trains a random forest on the training dataset...
rfginiRandom Forest cumulative MeanDecreaseGini feature selection....
runallmodelsRun all models. Trains and tests Decision Tree, Random Forest...
selectrfnumtreesTuning number of trees hyperparameter. Trains random forests...
selectsvmkernelTuning SVM kernel. Trains SVMs with a range of kernels...
svmlinearLinear SVM Implements a linear SVM using the general svm...
svmpolynomial2Polynomial degree 2 SVM Implements a polynomial degree 2 SVM...
svmpolynomial3Polynomial degree 3 SVM Implements a polynomial degree 3 SVM...
svmpolynomial4Polynomial degree 4 SVM Implements a polynomial degree 4 SVM...
svmradialRadial SVM Implements a radial SVM using the general svm...
svmsigmoidSigmoid SVM Implements a sigmoid SVM using general svm...
feamiR documentation built on Jan. 19, 2021, 9:08 a.m.