
Defines functions parseHelp

# readFile <- function( filename ) {
#   f <- file(filename)
#   lines <- readLines(filename)
#   close( f )
#   #print( lines )
#   return( lines )
# }
# STRTRIM <- function( str ) {
#   #print(str)
#   ## leading spaces
#   str <- sub('[[:space:]]*', '', str)
#   ## lagging spaces
#   return( sub('[[:space:]]*$', '', str) )
# }
# parseArguments <- function( lines ) {
#   #print(lines)
#   ## first separate into a list of strings
#   cur <- 0
#   lastEmpty <- FALSE
#   res <- c()
#   for( l in 1:length(lines) ) {
#     if( lines[l]=="" ) {
#       if( cur!=0 && lastEmpty==FALSE )
#         cur<-cur+1
#       lastEmpty<-TRUE
#     }else{
#       lastEmpty<-FALSE
#       if( cur==0 ) cur <- 1
#       #print( l )
#       #print( res )
#       ## ideally, we would want to trim lines[l], but I can't figure out how
#       if( length(res) < cur ) {
#         res[cur] <- STRTRIM(lines[l])
#       }else{
#         res[cur] <- paste( res[cur], STRTRIM(lines[l]), sep=" " )
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   ## Then split each list of strings on the _first_ ':'
#   resNames <- c()
#   for( i in 1:length(res) ) {
#     spl <- unlist( strsplit( res[i], ":" ) )
#     resNames[i] <- STRTRIM(spl[1])
#     spl <- spl[-1]
#     spl[1] <- STRTRIM(spl[1]) ## because of the : operator...
#     res[i] <- paste( spl, collapse=":" )
#   }
#   names(res) <- resNames
#   #print( resNames )
#   return(res)
# }
# #splitOnColons <- function( lines ) {
# #
# #  colonLines <- c( grep( ":", lines ), length(lines) )
# #
# #  res <- list()
# #  for( cl in 1:(length(colonLines)-1) ) {
# #
# #    ## split var and descr on colon
# #    spl <- unlist(strsplit(lines[colonLines[cl]],":"))
# #    print( spl )
# #    option <- spl[1]
# #    spl <- spl[-1]
# #    optionDesc <- paste( spl, collapse=":" )
# #
# #    ## and put in the rest of the descr if there is one
# #    if( colonLines[cl] != colonLines[cl+1]-1 )
# #      optionDesc <- paste( optionDesc,
# #                           subset( lines, (colonLines[cl]+1):(colonLines[cl+1]-1) ),
# #                           collapse="\n" )
# #
# #    ## and put it in the results
# #    cur <- length(res)+1
# #    res[[cur]] <- optionDesc
# #    names(res)[cur] <- option
# #  }
# #
# #  return( res )
# #}
# # parseHelp <- function( func ) {
# #   filename <- help( func, offline=FALSE, chmhelp=NA, htmlhelp=NA )[[1]]
# #
# #   if( !file.exists(filename) ) {
# #     ## It might be in a zip file in windows, lets try to extract it
# #
# #     ## parse off the function name
# #     funcname <- unlist( strsplit( filename, "/" ) )
# #     funcname <- funcname[[length(funcname)]]
# #
# #     ## get the path to the zip file
# #     ziparchive <- paste( substr( filename, 1, nchar(filename)-nchar(funcname) ), "Rhelp.zip", sep="" )
# #     if( file.exists(ziparchive) ) {
# #       ## then we _can_ extract it
# #       #filename <- zip.file.extract( funcname, ziparchive )
# #       ## Arghhh!!!! Sometimes I really, _really_ hate R
# #       tmpd <- tempdir()
# #       rc <- .Internal( int.unzip(ziparchive,funcname,tmpd) )
# #       if( rc==0 )
# #         filename <- attr(rc,"extracted")
# #     }
# #   }
# #
# #   ## Read in all of the lines
# #   lines <- readFile( filename )
# #
# #   ## Extract out the relevant lines
# #   lineStart <- unlist( lapply( lines, substr, start=1, stop=2 ) )
# #   section <- which( lineStart == "_\b" )
# #   usageSection <- which( lines == "_\bA_\br_\bg_\bu_\bm_\be_\bn_\bt_\bs:" )
# #
# #   sectionSection <- which( usageSection==section )
# #   if( sectionSection == length(section) )
# #     section <- c(section, length(lines)+1)
# #   usageLinesB <- section[sectionSection]+1
# #   usageLinesE <- section[sectionSection+1]-1
# #   lines <- lines[usageLinesB:usageLinesE]
# #
# #   return( parseArguments(lines) )
# # }
# #lmHelp <- parseHelp( "lm" )
# # temp <- tools::Rd2txt(.getHelpFile(file), out = tempfile("Rtxt"),
# #                     package = pkgname)
# tools___fetchRdDB = function (filebase, key = NULL)
# {
#     data <- paste(filebase, "rdb", sep = ".")
#     v <- .readRDS(paste(filebase, "rdx", sep = "."))
#     compress <- v$compressed
#     v <- v$variables
#     if (length(key)) {
#         if (!key %in% names(v))
#             stop(gettextf("No help on %s found in RdDB %s", sQuote(key),
#                 sQuote(filebase)), domain = NA)
#         lazyLoadDBfetch(v[key][[1L]], data, compress, function(n) {
#         })
#     }
#     else {
#         res <- v
#         for (i in seq_along(res)) res[[i]] <- lazyLoadDBfetch(v[i][[1L]],
#             data, compress, function(n) {
#             })
#         invisible(res)
#     }
# }
# parseHelp = function(func){
#   #require(tools) ## Not required because it's in the 'Depends' of the package file...
#   a = help(func)
#   #print(dir(a[[1]]))
#   toks = unlist(strsplit(a[[1]], "/"))
#   toks = toks[-length(toks)]
#   path = paste(toks, collapse="/")
#   rdbfile = dir(path, pattern="*.rdb")
#   toks = unlist(strsplit(rdbfile, "\\."))
#   #print(toks)
#   toks = toks[-length(toks)]
#   rdbfile = paste(toks, collapse=".")
#   rdbfile = paste(path, rdbfile, sep="/")
#   #print(rdbfile)
#   #rd = tools:::fetchRdDB(rdbfile, func)
#   rd = tools___fetchRdDB(rdbfile, func)
#   lines = readFile(tools::Rd2txt(rd, out=tempfile("Rtxt")))
#   ## Extract out the relevant lines
#   lineStart <- unlist( lapply( lines, substr, start=1, stop=2 ) )
#   section <- which( lineStart == "_\b" )
#   usageSection <- which( lines == "_\bA_\br_\bg_\bu_\bm_\be_\bn_\bt_\bs:" )
#   sectionSection <- which( usageSection==section )
#   if( sectionSection == length(section) )
#     section <- c(section, length(lines)+1)
#   usageLinesB <- section[sectionSection]+1
#   usageLinesE <- section[sectionSection+1]-1
#   lines <- lines[usageLinesB:usageLinesE]
#   return( parseArguments(lines) )
# }
# #a = parseHelp2("cor")
# parseHelp = function(functionName = "rnorm"){
#   file = help(functionName, help_type="text")
#   #require(tools)
#   ## Code taken from print.help_files_with_topic
#   path <- dirname(file)
#   dirpath <- dirname(path)
#   pkgname <- basename(dirpath)
#   RdDB <- file.path(path, pkgname)
#   if (file.exists(paste(RdDB, "rdx", sep = "."))) {
# #    temp <- tools::Rd2txt(tools:::fetchRdDB(RdDB,
# #      basename(file)), out = tempfile("Rtxt"), package = pkgname)
#     temp <- tools::Rd2txt(tools___fetchRdDB(RdDB,
#       basename(file)), out = tempfile("Rtxt"), package = pkgname)
#     #file.show(temp, title = gettextf("R Help on '%s'",
#     #  topic), delete.file = TRUE)
#     file = temp
#   }
#   else {
#     ##zfile <- zip.file.extract(file, "Rhelp.zip")
#     zfile = unzip("Rhelp.zip", files=file)
#     if (file.exists(zfile)) {
#       first <- readLines(zfile, n = 1L)
#       enc <- if (length(grep("\\(.*\\)$", first)))
#         sub("[^(]*\\((.*)\\)$", "\\1", first)
#       else ""
#       if (enc == "utf8")
#         enc <- "UTF-8"
#       if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows"
# && enc == ""
# && l10n_info()$codepage < 1000)
#         enc <- "CP1252"
#       #file.show(zfile, title = gettextf("R Help on '%s'",
#       #  topic), delete.file = (zfile != file), encoding = enc)
#       file = zfile
#     }
#     else stop(gettextf("No text help for '%s' is available:\ncorresponding file is missing",
#       functionName), domain = NA)
#   }
#   ##return(file)
#   lines = readFile(file)
#   ## Extract out the relevant lines
#   lineStart <- unlist( lapply( lines, substr, start=1, stop=2 ) )
#   section <- which( lineStart == "_\b" )
#   usageSection <- which( lines == "_\bA_\br_\bg_\bu_\bm_\be_\bn_\bt_\bs:" )
#   sectionSection <- which( usageSection==section )
#   if( sectionSection == length(section) )
#     section <- c(section, length(lines)+1)
#   usageLinesB <- section[sectionSection]+1
#   usageLinesE <- section[sectionSection+1]-1
#   lines <- lines[usageLinesB:usageLinesE]
#   return( parseArguments(lines) )
# }

## I give up. This interface keeps changing. Disabled.
parseHelp = function(functionName = "rnorm"){

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