
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

An R package for predicting fire behavior using the Rothermel modelling system or the Crown Fire Initiation & Spread modelling system.


Fire behavior predictions using:
the Rothermel modelling system, similar to BehavePlus, NEXUS, and FuelCalc.
the Crown Fire Initiation & Spread modelling system.

Helper functions which can:
Calculate the wind adjustment factor, using a little or alot of site-specific forest canopy information
Predict canopy fuels characteristics such as canopy bulk density and canopy fuel load

Helper data:
Stylized surface fuel models
Surface fuel moisture scenarios


You can install firebehavioR from GitHub for the development version.


There are no package dependencies, but you should have r R (>= 3.4.1) installed.


The vignette in the above references GitHub repo will help you get up and going.



GPL (>= 2)

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firebehavioR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:48 a.m.