Man pages for fitbitViz
'Fitbit' Visualizations

base_url_requestbase function to return the data for the specified activity...
compute_elapsed_timeelapsed time in hours & minutes & seconds
crop_DEMFunction to crop the AOI from the downloaded DEM .tif file
extend_AOI_bufferExtract the sf-object and raster extent based on a buffer (in...
extract_LOG_IDExtract the log-id (it's possible that I receive more than...
fitbit_data_type_by_dateFitbit data retrieval for Blood Oxygen Saturation, Heart Rate...
ggplot_each_dateplot function for a single day (heart rate)
gps_lat_lon_to_LINESTRINGConvert the GPS, TCX data to a LINESTRING
GPS_TCX_dataThe GPS-TCX data as a formated data.table
heart_rate_heatmapHeart Rate Intraday Heatmap (by extracting the 'min.',...
heart_rate_time_seriesheart rate activity time series
heart_rate_variability_sleep_timeHeart Rate Variability during Sleep Time (the root mean...
inner_elapsed_timeinner function of 'compute_elapsed_time'
leafGL_point_coordsCreate a Leafet map (including information pop-ups)
plot_data_typeThis plot function is used in the 'fitbit_data_type_by_date'...
rayshader_3d_DEMRayshader 3-dimensional using the Copernicus DEM elevation...
refresh_token_appRefresh Token of an existing application
sleep_heatmapsleep data heatmap
sleep_single_daySleep Data of single day
sleep_time_seriesSleep Data Time Series
split_year_in_weeksfunction for the weeks (including the date-from and date-to)
fitbitViz documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:51 a.m.