rayshader_3d_DEM: Rayshader 3-dimensional using the Copernicus DEM elevation...

rayshader_3d_DEMR Documentation

Rayshader 3-dimensional using the Copernicus DEM elevation data


Rayshader 3-dimensional using the Copernicus DEM elevation data


  linestring_ASC_DESC = NULL,
  elevation_sample_points = NULL,
  zoom = 0.5,
  windowsize = c(1600, 1000),
  add_shadow_rescale_original = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE



this parameter corresponds to the 'sfc_obj' object of the 'extend_AOI_buffer()' function


this parameter corresponds to the 'raster_obj_extent' object of the 'extend_AOI_buffer()' function


If NULL then this parameter will be ignored. Otherwise, it can be an 'sf' object or a named list of length 2 (that corresponds to the output of the 'gps_lat_lon_to_LINESTRING()' function)


if NULL then this parameter will be ignored. Otherwise, it corresponds to a data.table with column names 'latitude', 'longitude' and 'AltitudeMeters'. For instance, it can consist of 3 or 4 rows that will be displayed as vertical lines in the 3-dimensionsal map to visualize sample locations of the route (the latitudes and longitudes must exist in the output data.table of the 'GPS_TCX_data()' function)


a float number. Lower values increase the 3-dimensional DEM output. The default value is 0.5


a numeric vector specifying the window dimensions (x,y) of the output 3-dimensional map. The default vector is c(1600, 1000)


a boolean. If TRUE, then 'hillshade' will be scaled to match the dimensions of 'shadowmap'. See also the 'rayshader::add_shadow()' function for more information.


a boolean. If TRUE then information will be printed out in the console


it doesn't return an object but it displays a 3-dimensional 'rayshader' object




## Not run: 


# first extract the log-id(s)

USER_ID = '99xxxx'
token = 'my_long_web_api_token'

log_id = extract_LOG_ID(user_id = USER_ID,
                        token = token,
                        after_Date = '2021-03-13',
                        limit = 10,
                        sort = 'asc',
                        verbose = TRUE)

# then return the gps-ctx data.table

res_tcx = GPS_TCX_data(log_id = log_id,
                       user_id = USER_ID,
                       token = token,
                       time_zone = 'Europe/Athens',
                       verbose = TRUE)

# then compute the sf-object buffer and raster-extend

sf_rst_ext = extend_AOI_buffer(dat_gps_tcx = res_tcx,
                               buffer_in_meters = 1000,
                               CRS = 4326,
                               verbose = TRUE)

# Download the Copernicus DEM 30m elevation data because it has
# a better resolution, it takes a bit longer to download because
# the .tif file size is bigger

dem_dir = tempdir()
# dem_dir

dem30 = CopernicusDEM::aoi_geom_save_tif_matches(sf_or_file = sf_rst_ext$sfc_obj,
                                                 dir_save_tifs = dem_dir,
                                                 resolution = 30,
                                                 crs_value = 4326,
                                                 threads = parallel::detectCores(),
                                                 verbose = TRUE)

TIF = list.files(dem_dir, pattern = '.tif', full.names = T)

if (length(TIF) > 1) {

  # create a .VRT file if I have more than 1 .tif files

  file_out = file.path(dem_dir, 'VRT_mosaic_FILE.vrt')

  vrt_dem30 = create_VRT_from_dir(dir_tifs = dem_dir,
                                  output_path_VRT = file_out,
                                  verbose = TRUE)

if (length(TIF) == 1) {

  # if I have a single .tif file keep the first index

  file_out = TIF[1]

raysh_rst = crop_DEM(tif_or_vrt_dem_file = file_out,
                     sf_buffer_obj = sf_rst_ext$sfc_obj,
                     verbose = TRUE)

# terra::plot(raysh_rst)

# create the 'elevation_sample_points' data.table parameter based
# on the min., middle  and max. altitude of the 'res_tcx' data

idx_3m = c(which.min(res_tcx$AltitudeMeters),
           as.integer(length(res_tcx$AltitudeMeters) / 2),

cols_3m = c('latitude', 'longitude', 'AltitudeMeters')
dat_3m = res_tcx[idx_3m, ..cols_3m]
# dat_3m

# Split the route in 2 parts based on the maximum altitude value

linestring_dat = gps_lat_lon_to_LINESTRING(dat_gps_tcx = res_tcx,
                                           CRS = 4326,
                                           time_split_asc_desc = NULL,
                                           verbose = TRUE)

# Conversion of the 'SpatRaster' to a raster object
# because the 'rayshader' package accepts only rasters

rst_obj = raster::raster(raysh_rst)
raster::projection(rst_obj) <- terra::crs(raysh_rst, proj = TRUE)

# open the 3-dimensional rayshader map

ray_out = rayshader_3d_DEM(rst_buf = rst_obj,
                           rst_ext = sf_rst_ext$raster_obj_extent,
                           linestring_ASC_DESC = linestring_dat,
                           elevation_sample_points = dat_3m,
                           zoom = 0.5,
                           windowsize = c(1600, 1000),
                           add_shadow_rescale_original = FALSE,
                           verbose = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

fitbitViz documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:51 a.m.