Man pages for flacco
Feature-Based Landscape Analysis of Continuous and Constrained Optimization Problems

BBOBImportShiny server function for BBOB import page module
BBOBImportPageShiny UI-Module for Batch Import of BBOB Functions
computeGridCentersCompute the Cell Centers of a Cell Mapping Grid
convertInitDesignToGridConverts an Initial Design into a Cell Mapping Grid
createInitialSampleCreate Initial Sample
featureImportanceFeature Importance Plot
featureListFeature List
FeatureObjectCreate a Feature Object
featureObject_sidebarShiny UI-Module for Function Input
featuresCalculate Landscape Features
FeatureSetCalculationShiny Server Function for Feature Set Component
FeatureSetCalculationComponentShiny UI-Module for Calculating and Displaying Feature Sets
FeatureSetVisualizationShiny Server Function for Feature Set Component
FeatureSetVisualizationComponentShiny Component for Visualizing the Feature Sets
findLinearNeighboursFind Neighbouring Cells
findNearestPrototypeFind Nearest Prototype
functionInputShiny Server Function for Feature Calculation of Function...
listAvailableFeatureSetsList Available Feature Sets
measureTimeMeasure Runtime of a Feature Computation
plotBarrierTree2DPlot Barrier Tree in 2D
plotBarrierTree3DPlot Barrier Tree in 3D
plotCellMappingPlot Cell Mapping
plotInformationContentPlot Information Content
runFlaccoGUIRun the flacco-GUI based on Shiny
SmoofImportShiny Server Function for BBOB Import Page Module
SmoofImportPageShiny UI-Module for Batch Import of Smoof Functions
flacco documentation built on April 1, 2020, 1:06 a.m.