auto_cut: Discretizes a Vector

View source: R/auto_cut.R

auto_cutR Documentation

Discretizes a Vector


This function takes a vector x and returns a list with information on disretized version of x. The construction of level names can be controlled by passing ... arguments to formatC().


  breaks = NULL,
  n_bins = 27L,
  cut_type = c("equal", "quantile"),
  x_name = "value",
  level_name = "level",



A vector.


An optional vector of breaks. Only relevant for numeric x.


If x is numeric and no breaks are provided, this is the maximum number of bins allowed or to be created (approximately).


For the default type "equal", bins of equal width are created by pretty(). Choose "quantile" to create quantile bins.


Column name with the values of x in the output.


Column name with the bin labels of x in the output.


Further arguments passed to cut3().


A list with the following elements:

  • data: A data.frame with colums x_name and level_name each with the same length as x. The column x_name has values in output bin_means while the column level_name has values in bin_labels.

  • breaks: A vector of increasing and unique breaks used to cut a numeric x with too many distinct levels. NULL otherwise.

  • bin_means: The midpoints of subsequent breaks, or if there are no breaks in the output, factor levels or distinct values of x.

  • bin_labels: Break labels of the form "(low, high]" if there are breaks in the output, otherwise the same as bin_means. Same order as bin_means.


auto_cut(1:10, n_bins = 3)
auto_cut(c(NA, 1:10), n_bins = 3)
auto_cut(1:10, breaks = 3:4, n_bins = 3)
auto_cut(1:10, n_bins = 3, cut_type = "quantile")
auto_cut(LETTERS[4:1], n_bins = 2)
auto_cut(factor(LETTERS[1:4], LETTERS[4:1]), n_bins = 2)
auto_cut(990:1100, n_bins = 3, big.mark = "'", format = "fg")
auto_cut(c(0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0003, 0.005), n_bins = 3, format = "fg")

flashlight documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:19 p.m.