fledge 0.1.2 (2024-02-18)


fledge 0.1.1 (2023-06-16)

fledge 0.1.0 (2021-12-07)

Change log management utility, initial release.

The main entry point is bump_version(), which does the following:

  1. Checks that DESCRIPTION and are clean before bumping, and that the current branch is the main branch.
  2. update_news(): collects NEWS entries from top-level commits
  3. update_version(): bump version in DESCRIPTION, add header to
  4. Depending on the kind of update:
    • If "dev", finalize_version(): commit DESCRIPTION and, create tag with message
    • Otherwise, commit_version(); the user needs to call tag_version() manually
  5. Suggests to push the changes if an upstream repository is configured.

If you haven't committed since updating and DESCRIPTION, you can also edit and call tag_version() again. Both the commit and the tag will be updated.

Bumping can be undone with unbump_version().

If the DESCRIPTION has a "Date" field, it is populated with the current date in update_version(). Likewise, if contains dates in the headers, new versions also get a date.

An empty list of changes adds a "Same as previous version" bullet. This allows bumping to a dev version immediately after CRAN release.

Also includes helper functions get_last_tag() and get_top_level_commits().

Includes vignettes: "Get started", "Using fledge", and "Fledge internals". Examples and tests are supported with a demo project, created via with_demo_project().

Thanks Patrick Schratz and Maëlle Salmon for your contributions!

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fledge documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:59 a.m.