
# ############################## mini #############################
# deprecating - doesn't add much value
# just proof of concept type stuff
# #### create plot from partial code ####
# partial_plotting_code_plot <- function(partial_code_w_highlight){
#   writeLines(text = partial_code_w_highlight,
#              con  = "tmp.R")
#   source("tmp.R")
# }
# #### plotting text of code as a ggplot ####
# partial_plotting_code_prep_for_plot_text <- function(partial_code_w_highlight){
#   partial_code_w_highlight %>%
#     dplyr::tibble() %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(highlight = stringr::str_detect(., "#<<")) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(code_as_text = stringr::str_remove(., "#<<")) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(n = 1:dplyr::n())
# }
# prepped_partial_plotting_code_plot_text <- function(prepped_plotting_code,
#                                                     highlight_color = "plum4",
#                                                     font_size = 7,
#                                                     num_lines = 16) {
#   width <- 400
#   height <- 1
#   prepped_plotting_code %>%
#     ggplot2::ggplot() +
#     ggplot2::aes(x = 0) +
#     ggplot2::aes(y = n) +
#     ggplot2::scale_y_reverse(limits = c(num_lines, 0)) +
#     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 400)) +
#     ggplot2::coord_fixed(ratio = 30) +
#     ggplot2::aes(label = code_as_text) +
#     # grey background
#     ggplot2::geom_rect(ggplot2::aes(ymin = n - .8, ymax = n + .8),
#                        fill = "grey95",
#                        xmin = -10, xmax = width) +
#     ggplot2::geom_rect(ggplot2::aes(ymin = n - .6, ymax = n + .6),
#                        fill = "grey90",
#                        xmin = -5, xmax = width - 5) +
#     # highlighting
#     ggplot2::geom_rect(data = prepped_plotting_code %>% dplyr::filter(highlight),
#                        ggplot2::aes(ymin = n - .5, ymax = n + .5),
#                        xmin = -2 , xmax = width - 12,
#                        fill = highlight_color,
#                        alpha = .5) +
#     ggplot2::labs(fill = NULL) +
#     ggplot2::geom_text(x = 3, hjust = 0, family = "mono",
#                        size = font_size, color = "grey22") +
#     ggplot2::theme_void() +
#     ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::margin(0, 0, 0, 0, "cm"))
# }
# #### Build single frame ####
# create_cow_frame <- function(partial_code_w_highlight,
#                              title = "flipbook mini",
#                              highlight_color = "plum4",
#                              font_size = 7,
#                              num_lines = 16,
#                              display_type = "both") {
#   the_plot <- partial_plotting_code_plot(partial_code_w_highlight)[[1]]
#   text_plot <- partial_code_w_highlight %>%
#     partial_plotting_code_prep_for_plot_text() %>%
#     prepped_partial_plotting_code_plot_text(highlight_color,
#                                             font_size,
#                                             num_lines)
#   a_title <- cowplot::ggdraw() +
#     cowplot::draw_label(label = title, fontface = 'bold')
#   # the case of code and plots
#   if (display_type == "both") {
#   side_by_side <- cowplot::plot_grid(text_plot,
#                                      the_plot,
#                                      rel_widths = c(1, 1))
#   cowplot::plot_grid(a_title,
#                      side_by_side,
#                      rel_heights = c(0.1, 1),
#                      ncol = 1)
#   } else if (display_type == "code") {
#     text_plot
#   } else if (display_type == "output") {
#     the_plot
#    }
# }
# #### Create all the frames ####
# code_seq_build_and_save_all_cow_frames <- function(code_seq,
#                                                    id = "",
#                                                    dir = paste0("temp_mini_figures", id),
#                                                    title = "flipbook mini",
#                                                    highlight_color = "plum4",
#                                                    font_size = 7,
#                                                    num_lines = 16,
#                                                    display_type = "both"){
#   dir.create(path = dir)
#   for (i in 1:length(code_seq)) {
#     code_seq %>%
#       .[[i]] %>%
#       create_cow_frame(title,
#                        highlight_color,
#                        font_size,
#                        num_lines,
#                        display_type) ->
#       the_composite_plot
#     cowplot::save_plot(filename = paste0(dir, "/frame", i, ".png"), plot = the_composite_plot)
#   }
# }
# #### combine frames into a gif ####
# # "temp_mini_figures" %>%
# #   pngs_to_gif()
# pngs_to_gif <- function(dir = "temp_mini_figures",
#                         file_out = "temp_mini.gif",
#                         delete_figs_dir = F,
#                         fps = 1){
#   files <- list.files(path = dir, pattern = paste(".png"))
#   files_path <- paste0(dir, "/", files)
#   # png("frame%03d.png")
#   # par(ask = FALSE)
#   # for(i in 1:10)
#   #   plot(rnorm(i * 10), main = i)
#   # dev.off()
#   # png_files <- sprintf("frame%03d.png", 1:10)
#   # gif_file <- gifski::gifski(files_path)
#   # unlink(dir)
#   # utils::browseURL(gif_file)
#   #
#   files_path %>%
#     file.info() %>%
#     tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "file") %>%
#     dplyr::arrange(mtime) %>% # sort them by time modified
#     dplyr::pull(file) %>%
#     purrr::map(magick::image_read) %>% # reads each path file
#     magick::image_join() %>% # joins image
#     magick::image_animate(fps = fps) %>% # animates
#     magick::image_write(path = file_out)
#   # if (delete_figs_dir) {}
# }
# #### code to flipbook mini gif ####
# # create_ggplot_code() %>%
# #  code_create_gif_flipbook()
# code_create_gif_flipbook <- function(code,
#                                      id = "",
#                                      dir = paste0("temp_mini_figures", id),
#                                      file_out = paste0("temp_mini",id,display_type,".gif"),
#                                      title = "flipbook mini created with {flipbookr}",
#                                      highlight_color = "plum4",
#                                      font_size = 3,
#                                      num_lines = 16,
#                                      display_type = "both",
#                                      break_type = "auto",
#                                      which_show = parsed_calc_show(parsed = code_parse(code),
#                                                                    break_type = break_type),
#                                      which_highlight =
#                                        shown_lines_calc_highlight(which_show = which_show,
#                                                                   break_type = break_type),
#                                      left_assign = F,
#                                      fps = 1){
#   code %>%
#     code_parse() %>%
#     parsed_return_partial_code_sequence(break_type,
#                                         which_show,
#                                         which_highlight,
#                                         left_assign) %>%
#     code_seq_build_and_save_all_cow_frames(id,
#                                            dir,
#                                            title,
#                                            highlight_color,
#                                            font_size = font_size,
#                                            num_lines,
#                                            display_type)
#   pngs_to_gif(dir = dir,
#               file_out = file_out,
#               delete_figs_dir = F,
#               fps)
# }
# chunk_create_gif_flipbook <- function(...){
#   chunk_code_get() %>%
#     code_create_gif_flipbook(...)
# }
# chunk_gif_flipbook_embed <- function(chunk_name,
#                                      id = chunk_name,
#                                      display_type = "both",
#                                      title = "mini"){
#   chunk_name %>%
#     chunk_code_get() %>%
#     code_create_gif_flipbook(id = chunk_name,
#                              display_type = display_type,
#                              title = title) # creates temp_mini.gif
#   knitr::include_graphics(paste0("temp_mini", chunk_name, display_type,".gif"))
# }
# #
# # # Flipbook Mini - only plots supported by cowplot...
# #
# # We're using a delivery system of the composed cowplot. Experimental!
# #
# # ```{r mini, include = F}
# # ggplot(cars) +
# # aes(x = speed) +
# # aes(y = dist) +
# # geom_point() +
# # aes(color = speed) +
# # scale_color_viridis_c() +
# # theme_minimal() +
# # theme(legend.position = c(.07, .7)) +
# # theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "white")) +
# # theme(legend.background = element_rect(color = "grey96")) +
# # theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +
# # theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "grey96")) +
# # theme(text = element_text(color = "grey20"))
# # ```
# #
# # ```{r}
# # chunk_code_get("mini") %>%
# # code_create_gif_flipbook()
# # knitr::include_graphics("temp_mini.gif")
# # ```
# #
# #
# # You can try a flipbook mini too...
# #
# # ```{r my_source_code_chunk, eval = F}
# # ggplot(data = cars) +
# #   aes(x = speed) +
# #   aes(y = dist) +
# #   geom_point(alpha = .3,
# #              color = "blue")
# # ```
# #
# # ---
# #
# #   ```{r pipeline_to_gif, include = F}
# # # "my_source_code_chunk" %>% # name of source code chunk
# # #   chunk_create_gif_flipbook() # embed flipbook gif in html
# # ```
# #
# # r chunk_reveal("pipeline_to_gif")`

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flipbookr documentation built on May 31, 2021, 5:10 p.m.