Man pages for florabr
Explore Flora e Funga do Brasil Database

bf_dataFlora e Funga do Brasil database - Version 393.401
biomesSpatVector of the biomes of Brazil
brazilSpatVector of the Brazil's national borders
check_namesCheck species names
check_versionCheck if you have the latest version of Flora e Funga do...
filter_florabrIdentify records outside natural ranges according to Flora e...
get_attributesGet available attributes to filter species
get_binomialExtract the binomial name (Genus + specific epithet +...
get_florabrDownload the latest version of Flora e Funga do Brasil...
get_pamGet a presence-absence matrix
get_spat_occGet Spatial polygons (SpatVectors) of species based on its...
get_synonymRetrieve synonyms for species
load_florabrLoad Flora e Funga do Brasil database
occurrencesRecords of plant species
select_by_vernacularSearch for taxa using vernacular names
select_speciesSelection of species based on its characteristics and...
solve_discrepanciesResolve discrepancies between species and...
statesSpatVector of the federal states of Brazil
subset_speciesExtract a subset of species from Flora e Funga do Brasil...
florabr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:10 p.m.