get_florabr: Download the latest version of Flora e Funga do Brasil...

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get_florabrR Documentation

Download the latest version of Flora e Funga do Brasil database


This function downloads the latest or an older version of Flora e Funga do Brasil database, merges the information into a single data.frame, and saves this data.frame in the specified directory.


get_florabr(output_dir, data_version = "latest",
                 solve_discrepancy = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE,
                 verbose = TRUE, remove_files = TRUE)



(character) a directory to save the data downloaded from Flora e Funga do Brasil.


(character) Version of the Flora e Funga do Brasil database to download. Use "latest" to get the most recent version, updated weekly. Alternatively, specify an older version (e.g., data_version = "393.319"). Default value is "latest".


Resolve discrepancies between species and subspecies/varieties information. When set to TRUE, species information is updated based on unique data from varieties and subspecies. For example, if a subspecies occurs in a certain biome, it implies that the species also occurs in that biome. Default = FALSE.


(logical) If TRUE, data is overwritten. Default = TRUE.


(logical) Whether to display messages during function execution. Set to TRUE to enable display, or FALSE to run silently. Default = TRUE.


(logical) Whether to remove the downloaded files used in building the final dataset. Default is TRUE.


The function downloads the latest version of the Flora e Funga do Brasil database from the official source. It then merges the information into a single data.frame, containing details on species, taxonomy, occurrence, and other relevant data. The merged data.frame is then saved as a file in the specified output directory. The data is saved in a format that allows easy loading using the load_florabr function for further analysis in R.


Flora e Funga do Brasil. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Available at:


## Not run: 
#Creating a folder in a temporary directory
#Replace 'file.path(tempdir(), "florabr")' by a path folder to be create in
#your computer
my_dir <- file.path(file.path(tempdir(), "florabr"))
#Download, merge and save data
get_florabr(output_dir = my_dir, data_version = "latest",
            solve_discrepancy = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

florabr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:10 p.m.