Man pages for fmesher
Triangle Meshes and Related Geometry Tools

call-stackCall stack utility functions
fm_as_fmConvert objects to fmesher objects
fm_as_lattice_2dConvert objects to 'fm_lattice_2d'
fm_as_mesh_1dConvert objects to 'fm_segm'
fm_as_mesh_2dConvert objects to 'fm_mesh_2d'
fm_as_segmConvert objects to 'fm_segm'
fm_as_sfcConversion methods from mesh related objects to sfc
fm_as_tensorConvert objects to 'fm_tensor'
fm_baryCompute barycentric coordinates
fm_basisCompute mapping matrix between mesh function space and points
fm_bboxBounding box class
fm_blockBlockwise aggregation matrices
fm_centroidsExtract triangle centroids from an 'fm_mesh_2d'
fm_containsCheck which mesh triangles are inside a polygon
fm_cprod(Blockwise) cross product of integration points
fm_crsObtain coordinate reference system object
fm_CRSargsShow expanded CRS arguments
fm_crs_is_identicalCheck if two CRS objects are identical
fm_crs_is_nullCheck if a crs is NULL or NA
fm_crs-setAssignment operators for crs information objects
fm_CRS_spCreate a coordinate reference system object
fm_crs_wktHandling CRS/WKT
fm_detect_manifoldDetect manifold type
fm_diameterDiameter bound for a geometric object
fm_dofFunction spece degrees of freedom
fmesher_baryBarycentric coordinate computation
fmesher-deprecatedDeprecated functions in fmesher
fmesher_femFinite element matrix computation
fmesher_globe_pointsGlobe points
fmesher-packagefmesher: Triangle Meshes and Related Geometry Tools
fmesher-printPrint objects
fmesher_rcdtRefined Constrained Delaunay Triangulation
fmesher_sparseConversion between sparse matrix types
fmesher_spherical_bsplinesRotationally invariant spherical B-splines
fmesher_split_linesSplit lines at triangle edges
fmesher_subdivideSplit triangles
fm_evaluateMethods for projecting to/from mesh objects
fm_evaluator_helpersInternal helper functions for mesh field evaluation
fmexampleExample mesh data
fm_femCompute finite element matrices
fm_generate_colorsGenerate text RGB color specifications.
fm_gmrfSPDE, GMRF, and Matérn process methods
fm_intMulti-domain integration
fm_int_mesh_2dSubset integration on a mesh
fm_int_mesh_2d_coreIntegration scheme for mesh triangle interiors
fm_int_multi_samplerMulti-domain sampler integration
fm_is_withinQuery if points are inside a mesh
fm_lattice_2dMake a lattice object
fm_listHandle lists of fmesher objects
fm_manifoldQuery the mesh manifold type
fm_mesh_1dMake a 1D mesh object
fm_mesh_2dMake a 2D mesh object
fm_mesh_2d_mapSpecial coordinate mappings for 'fm_mesh_2d' projections.
fm_mesh_intersectionConstruct the intersection mesh of a mesh and a polygon
fm_nonconvex_hullCompute an extension of a spatial object
fm_nonconvex_hull_inlaNon-convex hull computation
fm_pixelsGenerate lattice points covering a mesh
fm_raw_basisBasis functions for mesh manifolds
fm_rcdt_2dRefined Constrained Delaunay Triangulation
fm_refineRefine a 2d mesh
fm_row_kronRow-wise Kronecker products
fm_safe_spCheck for potential 'sp' version compatibility issues
fm_segmMake a spatial segment object
fm_segm_contour_helperContour segment
fm_segm_listMethods for fm_segm lists
fm_simplifyRecursive curve simplification.
fm_simplify_helperRecursive curve simplification.
fm_split_linesSplit lines at triangle edges
fm_store_pointsStore points in different formats
fm_tensorMake a tensor product function space
fm_transformObject coordinate transformation
fm_unify_coordsUnify coordinates to 3-column matrix
fm_vertex_projectionProject integration points to mesh vertices
fm_verticesExtract vertex locations from an 'fm_mesh_2d'
geom_fmggplot2 geomes for fmesher related objects
globeprojOld globe projection methods
local_testthatUnit test helpers
plot.fm_mesh_2dDraw a triangulation mesh object
plot.fm_segmDraw 'fm_segm' objects.
plot_globeprojPlot a globeproj object
plot_PolySetPlot a projected PolySet
plot_rglLow level triangulation mesh plotting
wkt_treeInternal WKT handling
fmesher documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:21 a.m.