fm_nonconvex_hull: Compute an extension of a spatial object

View source: R/nonconvex_hull.R

fm_nonconvex_hullR Documentation

Compute an extension of a spatial object


Constructs a potentially nonconvex extension of a spatial object by performing dilation by convex + concave followed by erosion by concave. This is equivalent to dilation by convex followed by closing (dilation + erosion) by concave.


fm_nonconvex_hull(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sfc'
  convex = -0.15,
  concave = convex,
  preserveTopology = TRUE,
  dTolerance = NULL,
  crs = fm_crs(x),

fm_extensions(x, convex = -0.15, concave = convex, dTolerance = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'matrix'
fm_nonconvex_hull(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sf'
fm_nonconvex_hull(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Spatial'
fm_nonconvex_hull(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sfg'
fm_nonconvex_hull(x, ...)



A spatial object


Arguments passed on to the fm_nonconvex_hull() sub-methods


numeric vector; How much to extend


numeric vector; The minimum allowed reentrant curvature. Default equal to convex


logical; argument to sf::st_simplify()


If not zero, controls the dTolerance argument to sf::st_simplify(). The default is pmin(convex, concave) / 40, chosen to give approximately 4 or more subsegments per circular quadrant.


Options crs object for the resulting polygon


Morphological dilation by convex, followed by closing by concave, with minimum concave curvature radius concave. If the dilated set has no gaps of width between

2 \textrm{convex} (\sqrt{1+2 \textrm{concave}/\textrm{convex}} - 1)

and 2\textrm{concave}, then the minimum convex curvature radius is convex.

The implementation is based on the identity

\textrm{dilation}(a) \& \textrm{closing}(b) = \textrm{dilation}(a+b) \& \textrm{erosion}(b)

where all operations are with respect to disks with the specified radii.

When convex, concave, or dTolerance are negative, fm_diameter * abs(...) is used instead.

Differs from sf::st_buffer(x, convex) followed by sf::st_concave_hull() (available from GEOS 3.11) in how the amount of allowed concavity is controlled.


fm_nonconvex_hull() returns an extended object as an sfc polygon object (regardless of the x class).

fm_extensions() returns a list of sfc objects.


  • fm_nonconvex_hull(): Basic nonconvex hull method.

  • fm_extensions(): Constructs a potentially nonconvex extension of a spatial object by performing dilation by convex + concave followed by erosion by concave. This is equivalent to dilation by convex followed by closing (dilation + erosion) by concave.

INLA compatibility

For mesh and curve creation, the fm_rcdt_2d_inla(), fm_mesh_2d_inla(), and fm_nonconvex_hull_inla() methods will keep the interface syntax used by INLA::inla.mesh.create(), INLA::inla.mesh.2d(), and INLA::inla.nonconvex.hull() functions, respectively, whereas the fm_rcdt_2d(), fm_mesh_2d(), and fm_nonconvex_hull() interfaces may be different, and potentially change in the future.


Gonzalez and Woods (1992), Digital Image Processing

See Also



inp <- matrix(rnorm(20), 10, 2)
out <- fm_nonconvex_hull(inp, convex = 1)
points(inp, pch = 20)
if (TRUE) {
  inp <- sf::st_as_sf(, 3, 2)), coords = 1:2)
  bnd <- fm_extensions(inp, convex = c(0.75, 2))
  plot(fm_mesh_2d(boundary = bnd, max.edge = c(0.25, 1)), asp = 1)

fmesher documentation built on July 1, 2024, 5:07 p.m.