Man pages for fnets
Factor-Adjusted Network Estimation and Forecasting for High-Dimensional Time Series

abc.factor.numberFactor number estimator of Alessi, Barigozzi and Capasso...
Bartlett.weightsBartlett weights
common.irf.estimationBlockwise VAR estimation under GDFM
common.predictForecasting the factor-driven common component
data.restrictedSimulated data from the restricted factor-adjusted vector...
data.unrestrictedSimulated data from the unrestricted factor-adjusted vector...
dyn.pcaDynamic PCA
ebicextended Bayesian Information Criterion
factor.numberFactor number selection methods
f.func.fullfull likelihood
fnetsFactor-adjusted network estimation
fnets.factor.modelFactor model estimation
fnets.var'l1'-regularised Yule-Walker estimation for VAR processes
fnets.var.internalinternal function for 'fnets.var'
hl.factor.numberFactor number estimator of Hallin and Liška (2007)
idio.predictForecasting idiosyncratic VAR process
logfactoriallogarithmic factorial of 'n'
networkConvert networks into igraph objects
network.fnetsConvert networks estimated by fnets into igraph objects
par.lrpcParametric estimation of long-run partial correlations of...
plot.factor.numberPlot factor number
plot.fnetsPlotting the networks estimated by fnets
plot_internalinternal function for 'plot.fnets' and 'network'
plot.thresholdPlotting the thresholding procedure
predict.fmForecasting for factor models
predict.fnetsForecasting by fnets
print.factor.numberPrint factor number
print.fmPrint factor model
print.fnetsPrint fnets
print.thresholdPrint threshold
sim.restrictedSimulate data from a restricted factor model
sim.unrestrictedSimulate data from an unrestricted factor model
sim.varSimulate a VAR(1) process
static.pcaStatic PCA
thresholdThreshold the entries of the input matrix at a data-driven...
tuning_plotPlotting output for tuning parameter selection in fnets
var.dantzigDantzig selector-type estimator of VAR processes via...
var.lassoLasso-type estimator of VAR processes via 'l1'-regularised...
yw.cvCross validation for factor-adjusted VAR estimation
yw.icInformation criterion for factor-adjusted VAR estimation
fnets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:42 a.m.