
#' Data From useR! 2016 Survey
#' This data set contains results from a survey conducted by
#' \href{https://forwards.github.io}{Forwards} of attendees at
#' \href{https://www.r-project.org/useR-2016/}{useR! 2016}, the R
#' user conference held at Stanford University, Stanford, California,
#' June 27 - June 30 2016. Modifications made to anonymize the data are noted in
#' Details.
#' This data set contains responses to the following questions from the survey
#' of useR! 2016 attendees:
#' \describe{
#'     \item{Q2}{What is your gender?}
#'     \item{Q3}{In what year were you born?}
#'     \item{Q7}{What is the highest level of education you have completed?}
#'     \item{Q8}{What is your current (primary) employment status?}
#'     \item{Q11}{How long have you been using R for?}
#'     \item{Q12}{Did you have previous programming experience before beginning to use R?}
#'     \item{Q13}{Which of the following do you do? Tick any that apply.
#'     (Responses stored in \code{Q13} to \code{Q13_F}.)
#'         \itemize{
#'             \item I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data
#'             \item I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or
#'         conditionals or functions
#'             \item I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators
#'             \item I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)
#'             \item I have written my own R package
#'             \item I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or
#'     Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)
#'     }}
#'     \item{Q14}{Do you use R:
#'         \itemize{
#'             \item Primarily as part of a job or educational course;
#'             \item Primarily as a recreational activity, in your free time;
#'             \item For both recreational and job/educational purposes.
#'     }}
#'     \item{Q15}{How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
#' (Responses stored in \code{Q15} to \code{Q15_D}.)
#'         \itemize{
#'             \item Writing R is fun
#'             \item Writing R is considered cool or interesting by my peers
#'             \item Writing R is a monotonous task
#'             \item Writing R is difficult
#'     }}
#'     \item{Q16}{Would you recommend R to friends or colleagues as a programming
#'     language to learn?}
#'     \item{Q17}{What would be your number one argument for/against learning R?
#'     (fixed responses in \code{Q17}, other specified responses in \code{Q17_B})}
#'     \item{Q18}{Do you consider yourself part of the R community?}
#'     \item{Q19}{Which of the following resources do you use for support?
#'     Select all that apply. (Fixed responses stored in \code{Q19} to \code{Q19_G},
#'     other specified responses in \code{Q19_H}.)
#'         \itemize{
#'             \item The R mailing lists
#'             \item The #rstats hashtag on Twitter
#'             \item The R StackOverflow queues
#'             \item The R IRC channel
#'             \item The rOpenSci mailing lists or chat forums
#'             \item The Bioconductor support site
#'             \item Other (please specify)
#'     }}
#'     \item{Q20}{What would be your preferred medium for R community news (e.g.
#'     events, webinars, opportunities)? (Fixed responses in \code{Q20}, other
#'     specified responses in \code{Q20_B}.)}
#'     \item{Q21}{Do you attend R user group meetings in your local area?}
#'     \item{Q22}{If you do: what type of user group is it? (Fixed responses
#'     in \code{Q22}, other specified responses in \code{Q22_B}.)}
#'     \item{Q23}{If you do not: why not?}
#'     \item{Q24}{Which of the following would make you more likely to participate
#'     in the R community, or improve your experience? Tick any that apply. (Fixed
#'     responses stored in \code{Q24} to \code{Q24_L}.)}
#' }
#' Various measures were taken to protect anonymity
#' of the respondents and avoid disclosure of sensitive information. In
#' particular the following questions/variables are completely excluded:
#' \describe{
#'         \item{Q1}{What did you register as at useR! 2016?}
#'         \item{Q4}{To what racial or ethnic group(s) do you identify?}
#'         \item{Q5}{In what country do you currently reside?}
#'         \item{Q6}{Do you identify as LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Asexual
#'         and/or Transgender)?}
#'         \item{Q9}{Is your current job:
#'         \itemize{
#'             \item Full-time
#'             \item Part-time
#'             \item I am not currently employed
#'        }}
#'        \item{Q10}{Are you a caregiver for children or adult dependents on a
#'        regular basis?}
#'        \item{Q23_B}{Specific reason for not attending a user group}
#'        \item{Q24_M}{Specific location/demographic/domain/language etc for which
#'        the respondent would like a user group/workshop/other support}
#'        \item{Q25}{What other ideas do you have for improving the R community?}
#'        \item{Q26}{Do you have any feedback for the survey authors?}
#' }
#' Summaries of all these variables have been presented in blog posts
#'  (see references). Q1, Q9 and Q10 were used in multivariate analyses (see
#' references) but Q9 and Q10 did not feature in the interpretation and Q1 has
#' inconsistencies with Q8. For the latter we give priority to Q8, the
#' employment status of respondents at the time they completed the survey.
#' Of the remaining variables, we consider Q2, Q3, Q7, Q8, Q11, and Q13_F to be
#' implicit identifiers (key variables). These variables were modified to
#' achieve 3-anonymity, i.e. the smallest subgroup identifiable from
#' combinations of these variables is at least of size 3. In particular, the
#' following modifications were made
#' \describe{
#'     \item{Q2}{Non-binary grouped with missing; all other key variables for
#'     this group suppressed (set to NA).}
#'     \item{Q3}{Year of birth converted to approximate age groups: "> 35" and
#'     "35 and under"; age group suppressed for 14 individuals.}
#'     \item{Q7}{Highest education level aggregated to two groups:
#'     "Doctorate/Professional" and "Masters and under"; highest education level
#'     suppressed for 3 individuals.}
#'     \item{Q8}{Employment status aggregated to three groups: "Non-academic"
#'     (includes employment in industry, government, non-profit, self-employed)
#'     and "Academic" (includes retired, unemployed, student).}
#'     \item{Q11}{Length of R usage aggregated to four groups: combined groups
#'     corresponding to shortest times into "< 2 years" group.}
#'     \item{Q13_F}{Suppressed for two individuals.}
#' }
#' In addition specific values containing personal/personally identifiable
#' information were suppressed in Q19_H, Q22_B and Q23_B.
#' @format A data frame with 449 records and 48 variables:
#' \describe{
#'     \item{\code{Q2}}{A factor with 3 levels: "Men", "Non-Binary/Unknown", "Women".}
#'     \item{\code{Q3}}{A factor with 2 levels: "> 35", "35 or under"}
#'     \item{\code{Q7}}{A factor with 2 levels: "Doctorate/Professional", "Masters or lower"}
#'     \item{\code{Q8}}{A factor with 2 levels: "Non-academic", "Academic"}
#'     \item{\code{Q11}}{A factor with 4 levels: "< 2 years",  "2-5 years",
#'     "5-10 years", "> 10 years"}
#'     \item{\code{Q12}}{A factor with 2 levels: "Yes", "No"}
#'     \item{\code{Q13}}{A character vector with values "I use functions from
#'     existing R packages to analyze data" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q13_B}}{A character vector with values "I write R code designed to
#'     make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q13_C}}{A character vector with values "I write R functions for
#'     use by myself or my collaborators" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q13_D}}{A character vector with values "I contribute to R
#'     packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q13_E}}{A character vector with values "I have written my own R
#'     package" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q13_F}}{A character vector with values "I have written my own R
#'     package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub,
#'     R-Forge or similar platforms)" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q14}}{A factor with 3 levels: "Primarily as part of a job or
#'     educational course;", "Primarily as a recreational activity, in your free
#'     time;", "For both recreational and job/educational purposes."}
#'     \item{\code{Q15}}{A factor with 5 levels: "Strongly disagree",
#'     "Disagree", "No opinion", "Agree",  "Strongly agree"}
#'     \item{\code{Q15_B}}{A factor with 5 levels: "Strongly disagree",
#'     "Disagree", "No opinion", "Agree",  "Strongly agree"}
#'     \item{\code{Q15_C}}{A factor with 5 levels: "Strongly disagree",
#'     "Disagree", "No opinion", "Agree",  "Strongly agree"}
#'     \item{\code{Q15_D}}{A factor with 5 levels: "Strongly disagree",
#'     "Disagree", "No opinion", "Agree",  "Strongly agree"}
#'     \item{\code{Q16}}{A factor with 2 levels: "Yes", "No"}
#'     \item{\code{Q17}}{A factor with 21 levels: "Good for statistical analysis",
#'     "Good for working with biological data structures", ...}
#'     \item{\code{Q17_B}}{A character vector of free text response for when
#'     \code{Q17 == "Other (please specify)"}}
#'     \item{\code{Q18}}{A factor with 2 levels: "Yes", "No"}
#'     \item{\code{Q19}}{A character vector with values "The R mailing lists" or
#'     \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q19_B}}{A character vector with values "The #rstats hashtag on
#'     Twitter" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q19_C}}{A character vector with values "The R StackOverflow
#'     queues" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q19_D}}{A character vector with values "The R IRC channel" or
#'      \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q19_E}}{A character vector with values "The rOpenSci mailing
#'     lists or chat forums" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q19_F}}{A character vector with values "The Bioconductor support
#'     site" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q19_G}}{A character vector with values "Other (please specify)"
#'     or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q19_H}}{A character vector of free text response for when
#'     \code{Q19_G == "Other (please specify)"}}
#'     \item{\code{Q20}}{ A factor with 9 levels: "Twitter", "Facebook", "Google+",
#'     ...}
#'     \item{\code{Q20_B}}{A character vector of free text response for when
#'     \code{Q20 == "Other (please specify)"}}
#'     \item{\code{Q21}}{ A factor with 2 levels: "Yes", "No"}
#'     \item{\code{Q22}}{A factor with 5 levels: "A general user group",
#'     "A user group for women in R", "A user group within a university",
#'     "A user group within a company", "Other (please specify)"}
#'     \item{\code{Q22_B}}{A character vector of free text response for when
#'     \code{Q22 == "Other (please specify)"}}
#'     \item{\code{Q23}}{A factor with 6 levels: "There is no group nearby/the
#'     group is inactive", "I am too busy", ...}
#'     \item{\code{Q24}}{A character vector with values "New R user group near me
#'      (specify location in comments box)" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q24_B}}{A character vector with values "New R user group near
#'     me aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)" or
#'     \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q24_C}}{A character vector with values "Free local
#'     introductory R workshops" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q24_D}}{A character vector with values "Paid local advanced R
#'      workshops" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q24_E}}{A character vector with values "R workshop at
#'     conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)" or
#'      \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q24_F}}{A character vector with values "R workshop aimed at
#'     my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q24_G}}{A character vector with values "Mentoring (e.g. first
#'     CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)" or
#'     \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q24_H}}{A character vector with values "Training in
#'     non-English language (specify language in comments box)" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q24_I}}{A character vector with values "Training that
#'     accommodates my disability (specify disability in comments box)"
#'     or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q24_J}}{A character vector with values "Online forum to
#'     discuss R-related issues" or \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q24_K}}{A character vector with values "Online support group
#'     for my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)" or
#'     \code{NA}}
#'     \item{\code{Q24_L}}{A character vector with values "Special facilities at
#'      R conferences (give further detail in comments box)"}
#' }
#' @author Heather Turner and Oliver Keyes
#' @references
#' Bollmann, S., Cook, D., Debelak, R., Dumas, J., Fox, J., Josse, J.,
#' Keyes, O., Strobl, C. and Turner, H. (2017) Mapping useRs
#' \url{https://forwards.github.io/blog/2017/01/13/mapping-users/}.
#' Bollmann, S., Cook, D., Debelak, R., Dumas, J., Fox, J., Josse, J.,
#' Keyes, O., Strobl, C. and Turner, H. (2017) useRs Relationship with R
#' \url{https://forwards.github.io/blog/2017/03/11/users-relationship-with-r/}.
#' Josse, J. and Turner, H. (2017) useR! 2016 participants and R programming: a
#' multivariate analysis
#' \url{https://forwards.github.io/docs/mca_programming_user2016_survey/}.
#' Josse, J. and Turner, H. (2017) useR! 2016 participants and the R community:
#' a multivariate analysis
#' \url{https://forwards.github.io/docs/mca_community_user2016_survey/}.
#' @examples
#' # cross-tabulate age and length of time using R
#' xtabs(~ Q3 + Q11, data = useR2016)
#' # fit a logistic regression with "contribute to or write packages" predicted by
#' # gender, length of R usage, employment status, and community belonging
#' response <- with(useR2016,
#'     ifelse(!is.na(Q13_D) | !is.na(Q13_E) | !is.na(Q13_F), 1, 0))
#' glm(response ~ Q2 + Q11 + Q8 + Q18, data = useR2016)

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