fplyr-package: fplyr: Read, Process and Write

fplyr-packageR Documentation

fplyr: Read, Process and Write


This package provides a set of functions to quickly read files chunk by chunk, apply a function to each chunk, and return the result. It is especially useful when the files to be processed don't fit into the RAM. Familiarity with the data.table package is essential in order to use fplyr.


Chunked file:

A delimited file where many contiguous rows have the same value on the first field. See the example below.


Any portion of the chunked file such that the first field does not change.


Chunks are used internally; they consist of one or more block, but regular users should not be concerned with them, and can consider chunks and blocks as synonyms.

Main functions

The main functions are ffply and flply. The former writes the processed data into a file, while the latter returns it as a list. The former is also much faster. There is also fdply, which returns a data.table and is useful to only read a certain number of chunks from the file (one by default). fmply is useful when the original file needs to be processed in many ways and each outcome must be written to a different file.


Throughout the documentation of this package, the word 'file' actually means 'chunked file.'


A chunked file may look as follows:

V1 V2 V3 V4
ID01 ABC Berlin 0.1
ID01 DEF London 0.5
ID01 GHI Rome 0.3
ID02 ABC Lisbon 0.2
ID02 DEF Berlin 0.6
ID02 LMN Prague 0.8
ID02 OPQ Dublin 0.7
ID03 DEF Lisbon -0.1
ID03 LMN Berlin 0.01
ID03 XYZ Prague 0.2

The important thing is that the first field has some contiguous lines that take the same value. The values of the other fields are unimportant. This package is useful to process this kind of files, block by block.


Maintainer: Federico Marotta federicomarotta@mail.com (ORCID)

See Also

Useful links:

fplyr documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 1:08 a.m.