fr-package: About the fr package

fr-packageR Documentation

About the fr package


fr provides functions and objects to reproducibly create and track changes to metadata alongside code that creates the data. This prevents a disconnect between data and metadata, but also allows for computing on the metadata to create richer documentation. The fr package provides fr_tdr, fr_schema, and fr_field objects to provide a representation of the Frictionless Tabular Data Resource standards in R.

A fr_tdr, or frictionless tabular data resource, object encapsulates data and metadata by building on top of the data.frame and has a list of data resource-specific metadata properties (e.g., name, description). one of which is a fr_schema (Frictionless Schema) object. One of these is a fr_schema object, which is a list of table-specific metadata properties. One of these is a list of fr_field objects, which is a list #' field- (or column-) specific metadata properties (e.g., name, type, constraints)

Normal usage will only require using as_fr_tdr() to create a fr_tdr object based on a data.frame or tibble.


Maintainer: Cole Brokamp (ORCID) [copyright holder]

See Also

Useful links:

fr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:35 a.m.