Man pages for freegroup
The Free Group

abelianizeAbelianization of free group elements
absAbsolute value of a 'free' object
alphaAlphabetical free group elements
backwardsWrite free objects backwards
cConcatenation of free objects
char_to_freeConvert character vectors to free objects
cumsumCumulative sum
cycredCyclic reductions of a word
donamesNames attributes of free group elements
dotClass "dot"
ExtractExtract or replace parts of a free group object
freeObjects of class 'free'
freegroup-packageThe Free Group
getletGet letters of a freegroup object
identityThe identity element
keepKeep or drop symbols
Ops.freeArithmetic Ops methods for the free group
outerOuter automorphisms of the free group
printPrint free objects
reduceReduction of a word to reduced form
rfreeRandom free objects
shiftPermute elements of a vector in a cycle
sizeBignesses of a free object
subsSubstitute and invert symbols
sumRepeated summation by concatenation
tietzeTietze form for free group objects
freegroup documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:14 a.m.