Man pages for fresh
Create Custom 'Bootstrap' Themes to Use in 'Shiny'

adminlte_colorAdminLTE CSS colors variables
adminlte_globalAdminLTE CSS global variables
adminlte_sidebarAdminLTE CSS sidebar variables
adminlte_varsAdminLTE 2 custom variables
bs3-variablesBootstrap custom variables
bs4dash_buttonbs4dash buttons variables
bs4dash_colorbs4Dash main colors
bs4dash_fontbs4Dash fonts parameters
bs4dash_layoutbs4Dash layout options
bs4Dash-sidebarbs4Dash sidebar skins light/dark
bs4dash_statusbs4Dash status colors
bs4Dash_themeCreate a theme for bs4Dash
bs4dash_varsbs4dash custom variables
bs4dash_yiqbs4Dash color contrast
bs-theme-nordBootstrap Theme based on Nord palette
bs_vars_fileBootstrap variables from a file
create_prettyCreate a custom CSS file for pretty-checkbox
create_themeCreate a custom Bootstrap theme
freshFresh 'Shiny' Themes
search_varsSearch variables in a .scss file
search_vars_adminlte2Search AdminLTE 2 shinydashboard variables
search_vars_bsSearch Bootstrap variables
search_vars_bs4dashSearch bs4Dash variables
use_googlefontUse online Google font in Shiny application
use_prettyUse pretty-checkbox CSS in Shiny
use_themeUse a CSS theme in Shiny application
use_vars_templateUse a template to define SCSS variables
fresh documentation built on June 26, 2024, 5:06 p.m.