Man pages for frost
Prediction of Minimum Temperature for Frost Forecasting in Agriculture

buildFAOEstimate the coefficients for the recommended FAO equation
buildFAOTempEstimate the coefficients for the recommended FAO equation
buildMdzEmpiric equation for minimum temperature used in Mendoza
calcDewPointDew point estimation given relative humidity and temperature
calcDewPoint.ACalculates dew point from ambient temperature and relative...
calcDewPoint.BCalculates dew point from ambient temperature and relative...
calcDewPoint.CCalculates dew point from ambient temperature and relative...
convert.temperatureTemperature conversion
getTrendTemperature trend during a frost night.
predFAOPredict the minimum temperature using the recommended FAO...
predMdzempiric equation for minimum temperature used in Mendoza
frost documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:19 a.m.