Man pages for fsdaR
Robust Data Analysis Through Monitoring and Dynamic Visualization

bank_dataBank data (Riani et al., 2014).
carbikeplotProduces the carbike plot to find best relevant clustering...
corfwdplotMonitoring the correlations between consecutive distances or...
covplotMonitoring of the covariance matrix
diabetesDiabetes data
emilia2001Demographic data from the 341 miniciplaities in Emilia...
fisheryFishery data.
forbesForbes' data on air pressure in the Alps and the boiling...
fsdalms.objectDescription of 'fsdalms' Objects
fsdalts.objectDescription of 'fsdalts' Objects
fsmeda.objectDescription of 'fsmeda.object' Objects
fsmmmdrsPerforms random start monitoring of minimum Mahalanobis...
fsmmmdrs.objectDescription of 'fsmmmdrs.object' Objects
fsmultGives an automatic outlier detection procedure in...
fsmult.objectDescription of 'fsmult.object' Objects
fsrbasefsrbase: an automatic outlier detection procedure in linear...
FSR_controlCreates an 'FSR_control' object
FSReda_controlCreates an 'FSReda_control' object
fsreda.objectDescription of 'fsreda' Objects
fsregfsreg: an automatic outlier detection procedure in linear...
fsrfanRobust transformations for regression
fsrfan.objectObjects returned by the function 'fsrfan'
fsr.objectDescription of 'fsr' Objects
geyser2Old Faithful Geyser Data.
hawkinsHawkins data.
hospitalHospital data (Neter et al., 1996)
levfwdplotPlots the trajectories of the monitored scaled (squared)...
loyaltyLoyalty data
LXS_controlCreates an 'LSX_control' object
M5dataMixture M5 Data.
malfwdplotPlots the trajectories of scaled Mahalanobis distances along...
malindexplotPlots the trajectory of minimum Mahalanobis distance (mmd)
mdrplotPlots the trajectory of minimum deletion residual (mdr)
mmdplotPlots the trajectory of minimum Mahalanobis distance (mmd)
mmdrsplotPlots the trajectories of minimum Mahalanobis distances from...
mmmultComputes MM estimators in multivariate analysis with...
mmmulteda.objectDescription of 'mmmulteda.object' Objects
mmmult.objectDescription of 'mmmult.object' Objects
MMreg_controlCreates an 'MMreg_control' object
MMregeda_controlCreates an 'MMregeda_control' object
mmregeda.objectDescription of 'mmregeda' Objects
mmreg.objectDescription of mmreg Objects
multiple_regressionMultiple regression data showing the effect of masking...
musselsMussels data.
myrngSet seed for the MATLAB random number generator
psifunFinds the tuning constant(s) associated to the supplied...
regspmplotInteractive scatterplot matrix for regression
resfwdplotPlots the trajectories of the monitored scaled (squared)...
resindexplotPlots the residuals from a regression analysis versus index...
scoreComputes the score test for transformation in regression
score.objectObjects returned by the function 'score'
smultComputes S estimators in multivariate analysis
smulteda.objectDescription of 'smulteda.object' Objects
smult.objectDescription of 'smult.object' Objects
spmplotInteractive scatterplot matrix
Sreg_controlCreates an 'Sreg_control' object
Sregeda_controlCreates an 'Sregeda_control' object
sregeda.objectDescription of 'sregeda' Objects
sreg.objectDescription of sreg Objects
summary.fsrSummary Method for FSR objects
summary.lmsSummary Method for 'fsdalms' objects
summary.ltsSummary Method for 'fsdalts' objects
swissbanknotesSwiss banknote data
swissheadsSwiss heads data
tclusteda.objectObjects returned by the function 'tclustfsda' with the option...
tclustfsdaComputes trimmed clustering with scatter restrictions
tclustfsda.objectObjects returned by the function 'tclustfsda'
tclustICPerforms cluster analysis by calling 'tclustfsda' for...
tclustic.objectObjects returned by the function 'tclustIC'
tclustICplotPlots information criterion as a function of 'c' and 'k',...
tclustICsolExtracts a set of best relevant solutions obtained by...
tclusticsol.objectObjects returned by the function 'tclustICsol'
tclustregComputes robust linear grouping analysis
tclustregICComputes 'tclustreg' for different number of groups 'k' and...
tclustreg.objectObjects returned by the function 'tclustreg'
woolWool data.
XSimulated data X.
fsdaR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:35 a.m.