# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393
fststore <- function(fileName, table, compression, uniformEncoding) {
.Call(`_fst_fststore`, fileName, table, compression, uniformEncoding)
fstmetadata <- function(fileName) {
.Call(`_fst_fstmetadata`, fileName)
fstretrieve <- function(fileName, columnSelection, startRow, endRow) {
.Call(`_fst_fstretrieve`, fileName, columnSelection, startRow, endRow)
fsthasher <- function(rawVec, seed, blockHash) {
.Call(`_fst_fsthasher`, rawVec, seed, blockHash)
fstcomp <- function(rawVec, compressor, compression, hash) {
.Call(`_fst_fstcomp`, rawVec, compressor, compression, hash)
fstdecomp <- function(rawVec) {
.Call(`_fst_fstdecomp`, rawVec)
getnrofthreads <- function() {
setnrofthreads <- function(nrOfThreads) {
.Call(`_fst_setnrofthreads`, nrOfThreads)
restore_after_fork <- function(restore) {
invisible(.Call(`_fst_restore_after_fork`, restore))
hasopenmp <- function() {
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