Man pages for funGp
Gaussian Process Models for Scalar and Functional Inputs

antsLog-classS4 class for log of models explored by ant colony in funGp
black-boxesAnalytic models for the exploration of the funGp package
decayDecay functions for ant colony optimization in funGp
decay2probsProbability functions for ant colony optimization in funGp
factoryCall-classS4 class for fgpm_factory function calls
fgpmGaussian process models for scalar and functional inputs
fgpm-classS4 class for funGp Gaussian process models
fgpm_factoryStructural optimization of Gaussian process models
funGp-packageGaussian Process Models for Scalar and Functional Inputs
gaussian_corGaussian correlation function
get_active_inExtraction of active inputs in a given model structure
kernel-classS4 class for structures linked to the kernel of a 'fgpm'...
matern32_corMatern 3/2 correlation function
matern52_corMatern 5/2 correlation function
modelCall-classS4 class for calls to the fgpm function in funGp
modelDefRetrieve a 'fgpm' from within a 'Xfgpm' object
plot-fgpm-methodPlot method for the class '"fgpm"'
plot.predict.fgpmPlot method for the predictions of a 'fgpm' model
plot.simulate.fgpmPlot method for the simulations of a 'fgpm' model
plot-Xfgpm-methodPlot method for the class '"Xfgpm"'
precalculated_Xfgpm_objectsPrecalculated Xfgpm objects
predict-methodsPrediction from a 'fgpm' Gaussian process model
proj-ClassS4 class for structures linked to projections in a 'fgpm'...
simulate-methodsRandom sampling from a 'fgpm' model
sub-sub-Xfgpm-methodRefit a 'fgpm' model in a 'Xfgpm' object
summary-fgpm-methodSummary method for 'fgpm' objects
summary-Xfgpm-methodSummary method for 'Xfgpm' objects
update-methodsEasy update of 'fgpm' models
which_onIndices of active inputs in a given model structure
Xfgpm-classS4 class for funGp model selection data structures
funGp documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8 a.m.