precalculated_Xfgpm_objects: Precalculated Xfgpm objects

precalculated_Xfgpm_objectsR Documentation

Precalculated Xfgpm objects


A dataset containing the results of the application of fgpm_factory to fgp_BB7 analytic black-box function. See Examples for details.


Five objects of class "Xfgpm":


With 32 training points and default parameters.


With 32 training points and 25 iterations of the algorithm.


With 32 training points and customized solution space.


With 32 training points and customized heuristic parameters.


With 32 training points and a time budget constraint and large number of iterations.


## Not run: 

## Construction of xm object with default parameters (~12 seconds)
set.seed(100) <- 32
x1 <- x2 <- x3 <- x4 <- x5 <- seq(0,1,length =^(1/5))
sIn <- expand.grid(x1 = x1, x2 = x2, x3 = x3, x4 = x4, x5 = x5)
fIn <- list(f1 = matrix(runif( * 10), ncol = 10),
            f2 = matrix(runif( * 22), ncol = 22))
sOut <- fgp_BB7(sIn, fIn,
xm <- fgpm_factory(sIn = sIn, fIn = fIn, sOut = sOut)

## Construction of xm25 object with 25 iterations (~20 seconds)
xm25 <- fgpm_factory(sIn = sIn, fIn = fIn, sOut = sOut,
                     setup = list(n.iter = 25))

## Construction of xmc object with customized solution space (~12 seconds)
myctr <- list(s_keepOn = c(1,2), # keep both scalar inputs always on
f_keepOn = c(2), # keep f2 always active
f_disTypes = list("2" = c("L2_byindex")), # only use L2_byindex distance for f2
f_fixDims = matrix(c(2,4), ncol = 1), # f2 projected in dimension 4
f_maxDims = matrix(c(1,5), ncol = 1), # f1 projected in dimension max 5
f_basTypes = list("1" = c("B-splines")), # only use B-splines projection for f1
kerTypes = c("matern5_2", "gauss")) # test only Matern 5/2 and Gaussian kernels
xmc <- fgpm_factory(sIn = sIn, fIn = fIn, sOut = sOut, ctraints = myctr)

## Construction of xmc object with customized heuristic parameters (~15 seconds)
mysup <- list(n.iter = 30, n.pop = 12, tao0 = .15, dop.s = 1.2,
              dop.f = 1.3, delta.f = 4, dispr.f = 1.1, q0 = .85,
              rho.l = .2, u.gbest = TRUE, n.ibest = 2, rho.g = .08)
xmh <- fgpm_factory(sIn = sIn, fIn = fIn, sOut = sOut, setup = mysup)

## Construction of xmc object with time budget constraint (~60 seconds)
mysup <- list(n.iter = 2000)
mytlim <- 60
xms <- fgpm_factory(sIn = sIn, fIn = fIn, sOut = sOut,
                    setup = mysup, time.lim = mytlim)

## End(Not run)

funGp documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8 a.m.