Man pages for fxTWAPLS
An Improved Version of WA-PLS leave-out cross-validation
cv.wLeave-one-out cross-validation
fxGet frequency of the climate value
fx_psplineGet frequency of the climate value with p-spline smoothing
fxTWAPLS-packagefxTWAPLS: An Improved Version of WA-PLS
get_distanceGet the distance between points
get_pseudoGet geographically and climatically close sites
pbShow progress bar
plot_residualsPlot the residuals
plot_trainPlot the training results
rand.t.test.wRandom t-test
sse.sampleCalculate Sample Specific Errors
TWAPLS.predict.wTWA-PLS predict function
TWAPLS.wTWA-PLS training function
TWAPLS.w2TWA-PLS training function v2
WAPLS.predict.wWA-PLS predict function
WAPLS.wWA-PLS training function
WAPLS.w2WA-PLS training function v2
fxTWAPLS documentation built on Nov. 25, 2022, 5:06 p.m.