estfun.gam: Estimating Robust/Clustered Standard Errors with 'mgcv'

View source: R/generic_function.R

estfun.gamR Documentation

Estimating Robust/Clustered Standard Errors with mgcv


This extracts the score of the log-likelihood for each observation for a model estimated using gam or bam. It is necessary to allow mgcv to work correctly with functions from sandwich to product cluster or robust standard errors.


## S3 method for class 'gam'
estfun(x, correct_df = TRUE, override_check = FALSE, ...)



A model estimated using gam or bam.


The default, TRUE, adjusts sandwich to use the effective degrees of freedom for k instead of the number of columns of the design. FALSE uses k.


The default, FALSE, allows this function to be used inside of sandwich. If only the matrix of scores is required, set to TRUE.


Not used for estfun.gam.


A matrix used internally for sandwich.

gKRLS documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:24 p.m.