Man pages for gRc
Inference in Graphical Gaussian Models with Edge and Vertex Symmetries

add1-drop1Add or drop colour classes to RCOX models
clever-traceCalculate trace of various matrix products.
coerce-parmCoerce parameters in RCOX models.
compareccCompare colour classes of an RCOX model
fit-docFunctions used in connection with fitting of RCOX models
fit-mainFit rcox model
generating-classGenerating class for RCON / RCOR models
get-slotGet slots from RCOX model object.
grc-summaryThe package 'gRc': summary information
internalInternal functions for the gRc package
join-splitJoining and splitting of colour classes in RCOX models
rcoxMain function for specifying RCON/RCOR models.
score-informationGet score and information for RCOX models.
set-opSet operations
stepStepwise model selection in RCOX models
update-docUpdate an RCOX model
xxx2yyyConversions of the type xxx2yyy
gRc documentation built on April 30, 2023, 9:09 a.m.