gWidgetsRGtk2-package: Toolkit implementation of gWidgets for RGtk2

Description Details Author(s) See Also


Port of gWidgets API to RGtk2


This package allows the gWidgets API to use the RGtk2 package allowing the use of the GTK libraries within R. The documentation for the functions in this package are contained in the gWidgets package.

As gWidgets is meant to be multi-toolkit, this file documents differences from the API, as defined by the man pages of the gWidgets package.


If using a ggraphics device, one should call gwindow with the argument visible=FALSE then after the device is added call the visible<- method to show the window.

To access the underlying gtk container from a gframe object one uses getToolkitWidget(obj)$getParent()

The gnotebook changed handler has component pageno to indicate the newly selected page number, as the svalue method returns the page before the change.


The gbutton constructor can not be called before gWidgetsRGtk2 is loaded. This means that an initial call like gbutton("label", cont=gwindow()) won't work. Instead, either load directly gWidgetsRGtk2 (not just gWidgets) or create another widget, like a top-level window. Something similar is the case for the gdfedit widget.

The gradio widget can now have its items shortened or lengthened via [<-.

For the data frame viewer gtable when no filtering is requested – the default – the column headers can be clicked to sort the values. Setting the index to 0 will clear the selection.

In the data frame editor gdf the subset option only works if the column names have not been changed. One can suppress the creation of keyboard navigation and the right click popup on the column headers. The hiddern argument diy (for do it yourself) if left empty will place in both. A value of "suppress.key" or "suppress.popup" (or both) will suppress the respective handler.

The gaction constructor produces action objects. The enabled<- method can be used to set their sensitivity. The objects can be used with gbutton through the action argument, and in the lists defining menubars and toolbars. The key.accel argument (for assigning a keyboard accelerator) of the constructor is ignored for now. The tooltip is OS sensitive, as it depends on the event loop implementation.

The gtoolbar list can have components that are a) lists with a handler componented, b) lists with a separator component, c) gaction instances d) gWidgets, in which case the widget appears in the toolbar. The latter is not portable to other gWidgets implementations.

The gvarbrowser constructor depends on a variable knownTypes. A default is provided in the package, but this can be overridden by a) providing a hidden argument knownTypes to the constructor or b) setting an option knownTypes. In each case this is a named list whose components are character vectors listing classes of a similar nature. For example, the default value for knownTypes included "data sets"= c("numeric","logical","factor","character","integer", "data.frame","matrix","list", "table","xtabs", "nfnGroupedData","nffGroupedData","nmGroupedData", "POSIXct","POSIXlt","POSIXt" ).

The function used to map a class to an icon is by default getStockIconFromClass. This can be changed by assigning a function to the option gWidgetsStockIconFromClass. This function should take a class and return a stock icon name. (The class passed is the first value only.)

The gfile constructor has the argument multiple, which if TRUE will allow for multiple selections of files. This feature should be merged into the gWidgets API, but for now is passed in via ....

The ggraphics constructor provides a means to embed a graphics window inside a GUI. A right mouse popup allows one to copy the graphic to the clipboard or save it to a file. The different file types are limited by the function gdkPixbufSave whose manual page states that jpg, png, ico and bmp are permissable.

A few quirks exist.

  1. Drawing a graphic too soon may result in a message about plot.margins too small. This comes from trying to draw the first graphic before the window is fully realized.

    One workaround is to initially set the window not visible then when the GUI is done, make the window visible. That is, try: w <- gwindow(visible=FALSE); ggraphics(cont=w); visible(w) <- TRUE; hist(rnorm(100))

  2. When there are multiple devices, the standard means of setting a device via dev.set are supplemented by mouse handlers. Clicking in the graphics window sets the window as the current device.

  3. The handler for addHandlerClicked responds to a mouse click. The components x and y give the coordinates in "usr" coordinates.

  4. The handler for addHandlerChanged responds to the "rubber-banding" effect that comes from trying to trace out a rectangle in the graphic window. The components x and y give the coordinates in "usr" coordinates. (These each have two values.) The functions grconvertX and grconvertY can convert to other coordinate systems for you. See the ggraphics help page for an example of how this can be used to update a data frame.

The gbasicdialog constructor can be used both ways. The hidden argument buttons can take values ok, yes, cancel, close, no, with a default of c("ok","cancel").


The font method is not implemented.

For widgets which allow markup (gframe, glabel) PANGO markup is used. This is not HTML, but is similar to basic HTML.

gWidgetsRGtk2 and the RGtk2 package:

The RGtk2 package is imported only so its namespace, which is large, is not loaded by default. To access its functions, load the package.

The RGtk2 package and gWidgetsRGtk2 can be used together in the following ways. First, an RGtk2 object can be added to a gWidgetsRGtk2 through the add method of the container. This works for most objects. If you find one that doesn't work, simply place it inside a gtkHBox container, then add that container. Second, a gWidgetsRGtk2 object can be added to to a RGtk2 container by adding the return value of the getToolkitWidget method of the object. Again, this should work, but if not, the gWidgetsRGtk2 can be added to a ggroup container first. In either case, the gWidgetsRGtk2 object should not be previsously attached to a container, so in particular the constructor should be called with its container argument as NULL (the default).


Michael Lawrence, John Verzani

Maintainer: John Verzani <>

See Also


gWidgetsRGtk2 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:58 a.m.