atlas_occurrences: Collect a set of occurrences

View source: R/atlas_occurrences.R

atlas_occurrencesR Documentation

Collect a set of occurrences


The most common form of data stored by living atlases are observations of individual life forms, known as 'occurrences'. This function allows the user to search for occurrence records that match their specific criteria, and return them as a tibble for analysis. Optionally, the user can also request a DOI for a given download to facilitate citation and re-use of specific data resources.


  request = NULL,
  identify = NULL,
  filter = NULL,
  geolocate = NULL,
  data_profile = NULL,
  select = NULL,
  mint_doi = FALSE,
  doi = NULL,
  file = NULL



optional data_request object: generated by a call to galah_call().


data.frame: generated by a call to galah_identify().


data.frame: generated by a call to galah_filter()


string: generated by a call to galah_geolocate()


string: generated by a call to galah_apply_profile()


data.frame: generated by a call to galah_select()


logical: by default no DOI will be generated. Set to TRUE if you intend to use the data in a publication or similar.


string: (optional) DOI to download. If provided overrides all other arguments. Only available for the ALA.


string: (Optional) file name. If not given, will be set to data with date and time added. The file path (directory) is always given by galah_config()$package$directory.


Note that unless care is taken, some queries can be particularly large. While most cases this will simply take a long time to process, if the number of requested records is >50 million, the call will not return any data. Users can test whether this threshold will be reached by first calling atlas_counts() using the same arguments that they intend to pass to atlas_occurrences(). It may also be beneficial when requesting a large number of records to show a progress bar by setting verbose = TRUE in galah_config(), or to use compute() to run the call before collecting it later with collect().


An object of class tbl_df and data.frame (aka a tibble) of occurrences, containing columns as specified by galah_select().


## Not run: 
# Download occurrence records for a specific taxon
galah_config(email = "your_email_here")
galah_call() |>
  galah_identify("Reptilia") |>

# Download occurrence records in a year range
galah_call() |>
  galah_identify("Litoria") |>
  galah_filter(year >= 2010 & year <= 2020) |>
# Or identically with alternative syntax
request_data() |>
  identify("Litoria") |>
  filter(year >= 2010 & year <= 2020) |>
# Download occurrences records in a WKT-specified area
polygon <- "POLYGON((146.24960 -34.05930,
                     146.37045 -34.05930,
                     146.37045 -34.152549,
                     146.24960 -34.15254,
                     146.24960 -34.05930))"
galah_call() |> 
  galah_identify("Reptilia") |>
  galah_filter(year >= 2010, year <= 2020) |>
  galah_geolocate(polygon) |>

## End(Not run)

galah documentation built on Nov. 20, 2023, 9:07 a.m.