Man pages for gausscov
The Gaussian Covariate Method for Variable Selection

abcqlAmerican Business Cycle
bostonBoston data
decodedecodes subsets
f1stStepwise selection of covariates
f2stRepeated stepwise selection of covariates
f3stStepwise selection of covariates
f3stiSelection of covariates with given excluded covariates
fasbCalculates all subsets where each included covariate is...
fdecodeDecodes the number of a subset selected by fasb.R to give the...
fgeninterGeneration of interactions
fgentrigGeneration of sine and cosine functions
fgr1stCalculates a dependence graph using Gaussian stepwise...
fgr2stCalculates an independence graph using repeated stepwise...
flagCalculation of lagged covariates
fpvalCalculates the regression coefficients, the P-values and the...
fselectSelects the subsets specified by fasb.R and frasb.R.
fundrConverts directed into an undirected graph
fvautoVector autoregressive approximation
leukemiaLeukemia data
mel_tempMelbourne minimum temperature
redwineRedwine data
simgpvalSimulates Gaussian P-values
snsptSunspot data
gausscov documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 1:06 a.m.