Man pages for gaussplotR
Fit, Predict and Plot 2D Gaussians

autofit_gaussian_2DAutomatically determine the best-fitting 2D-Gaussian for a...
characterize_gaussian_fitsCharacterize the orientation of fitted 2D-Gaussians
compare_gaussian_fitsCompare fitted 2D-Gaussians and determine the best-fitting...
fit_gaussian_2DDetermine the best-fit parameters for a specific 2D-Gaussian...
gaussplot_sample_dataSample data set
get_volume_gaussian_2DCompute volume under 2D-Gaussian
ggplot_gaussian_2DPlot a 2D-Gaussian via ggplot
predict_gaussian_2DPredict values from a fitted 2D-Gaussian
rgl_gaussian_2DProduce a 3D plot of the 2D-Gaussian via rgl
gaussplotR documentation built on May 3, 2021, 1:07 a.m.