Man pages for gbfs
Interface with Live Bikeshare Data

gbfsPackage: gbfs
get_free_bike_statusGrab the free_bike_status feed.
get_gbfsGrab bikeshare data
get_gbfs_citiesGet table of all cities releasing GBFS feeds
get_station_informationGrab the station_information feed.
get_station_statusGrab the station_status feed.
get_system_alertsGrab the system_alerts feed.
get_system_calendarGrab the system_calendar feed.
get_system_hoursGrab the system_hours feed.
get_system_informationGrab the system_information feed.
get_system_pricing_plansGrab the system_pricing_plans feed.
get_system_regionsGrab the system_regions feed.
get_which_gbfs_feedsGet dataframe of bikeshare feeds released by a city
gbfs documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:37 a.m.