
## ## library(gdalUtilities)
## ## library(testthat)
## ## library(raster)
## ##-------------##
## ## gdal_grid() ##
## ##-------------##
## ## Set up file paths
## td <- tempdir()
## dem_file <- file.path(td, "dem.csv")
## vrt_header_file <- file.path(td, "tmp.vrt")
## out_raster1 <- file.path(td, "tmp1.tiff")
## out_raster2 <- file.path(td, "tmp2.tiff")
## ## Create file of points with x-, y-, and z-coordinates
## pts <-
##     data.frame(Easting = c(86943.4, 87124.3, 86962.4, 87077.6),
##                Northing = c(891957, 892075, 892321, 891995),
##                Elevation = c(139.13, 135.01, 182.04, 135.01))
## write.csv(pts, file = dem_file, row.names = FALSE)
## ## Prepare a matching VRT file
## vrt_header <- c(
##     '<OGRVRTDataSource>',
##     '  <OGRVRTLayer name="dem">',
##     paste0('    <SrcDataSource>',dem_file,'</SrcDataSource>'),
##     '    <GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType>',
##     '    <GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="Easting" y="Northing" z="Elevation"/>',
##     '  </OGRVRTLayer>',
##     '</OGRVRTDataSource>'
## )
## cat(vrt_header, file = vrt_header_file, sep = "\n")
## ## Test it out
## gdalUtilities::gdal_grid(src_datasource = vrt_header_file,
##                          dst_filename = out_raster1,
##                          a = "invdist:power=2.0:smoothing=1.0",
##                          txe = c(85000, 89000), tye = c(894000, 890000),
##                          outsize = c(400, 400),
##                          of = "GTiff", ot = "Float64", l = "dem")
## gdalUtils::gdal_grid(src_datasource = vrt_header_file,
##                      dst_filename = out_raster2,
##                      a="invdist:power=2.0:smoothing=1.0",
##                      txe = c(85000, 89000), tye = c(894000, 890000),
##                      outsize = c(400, 400),
##                      of = "GTiff", ot = "Float64", l = "dem",
##                      output_Raster = FALSE)
## expect_identical(tools::md5sum(out_raster1)[[1]],
##                  tools::md5sum(out_raster2)[[1]])

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gdalUtilities documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 5:08 p.m.