Man pages for gdistance
Distances and Routes on Geographical Grids

accCostAccumulated Cost Surface
adjacencyFromTransitionAdjacent cells
ArithMath-methodsArithmetic and mathematical operations with objects of...
commuteDistance-methodsCommute-time distance
Coords-classCoords class
costDistance-methodsCost distance
gdistanceDistances and Routes on Geographical Grids
genDistGenetic distances and coordinates of haplogroup R1b1b2...
geoCorrectionGeographic Correction
overlapOverlap and nonoverlap of trajectories
passageProbability of passage
pathIncIncidence of paths from a common origin: overlap and...
rasterFromTransitionRasterLayer from TransitionLayer object
rSPDistanceRandomized shortest path distance
shortestPathShortest path
Summary-methodsSummary methods
sumReciprocalReciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of conductance...
transitionCreate an object of the class Transition
Transition-classesTransition classes
Transition-extract-replaceExtracting and replacing: class Transition
Transition-slotsExtract or change elements of Transition* objects
gdistance documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:51 p.m.