Man pages for gdns
Tools to Work with Google's 'DNS'-over-'HTTPS' ('DoH') API a gdns query response answer to a data frame
bulk_queryVectorized query, returning only answers in a data frame
dns_classesDNS CLASSes (dataset)
dns_glob_namesUnderscored and Globally Scoped DNS Node Names (dataset)
dns_opcodesDNS OpCodes (dataset)
dns_rcodesDNS RCODEs (dataset)
edns0_option_codesDNS EDNS0 Option Codes (OPT) (dataset)
gdnsTools to Work with Google DNS Over HTTPS API
has_spfTest for whether a DNS TXT record is an SPF record
is_soft_failSPF "all" type test
pipePipe operator
queryPerform DNS over HTTPS queries using Google
resource_record_tblAn overview of resource records (RRs) permissible in zone...
rrtypesResource Record (RR) TYPEs (dataset)
spf_ipv4sSPF field extraction functions
split_spfSplit out all SPF records in a domain's TXT record
gdns documentation built on July 1, 2020, 6:07 p.m.