Man pages for geecure
Marginal Proportional Hazards Mixture Cure Models with Generalized Estimating Equations

basesurvEstimation of the baseline survival function
bmtBone marrow transplantation data
emesExpectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm and...
esExpectation-Solution (ES) algorithm
geebtGeneralized estimating equations for the latency part
geecureMarginal proportional hazards mixture cure model with...
geecure2Semiparametric marginal proportional hazards mixture cure...
geecure-packageMarginal proportional hazards mixture cure models with...
geegaGeneralized estimating equations for the incidence part
initial_LambdaInitial value of the cumulative baseline hazard function
print.geecurePrint geecure object
print.geecure2Print geecure2 object
smokingA Smoking Cessation Data
tonsilMulti-Center Clinical Trial of Tonsil Carcinoma
tonsil_bootsampleA bootstrap sample for tonsil data
varestVariance estimate with sandwich formula based on the ES...
varest2Variance estimate with sandwich formula based on the EM...
geecure documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:03 a.m.