Defines functions .dumfunction_afterimportFrom

#' @useDynLib geepack

#' @import methods
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @importFrom graphics abline lines plot
#' @importFrom stats binomial coef fitted formula gaussian
#'     glm.fit is.empty.model lm.fit lowess
#'     model.extract model.matrix model.offset
#'     model.response model.weights na.omit naresid
#'     pchisq printCoefmat quasi residuals summary.glm
#'     var family
#' @importFrom utils head str
#' @importFrom broom tidy
#' @export tidy
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export  %>%

.dumfunction_afterimportFrom <- function(){}

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geepack documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:28 a.m.