Man pages for geocmeans
Implementing Methods for Spatial Fuzzy Unsupervised Classification

add_matrices_bycolsum of two matrices by column
adj_spconsist_arr_window_globstdAdjusted spatial inconsistency index for rasters
adjustSpatialWeightsSemantic adjusted spatial weights
ArcachonSpatRaster of the bay of Arcachon
barPlotsBar plots
belongsFCMmembership matrix calculator for FCM algorithm
belongsGFCMmembership matrix calculator for GFCM algorithm
belongsSFCMmembership matrix calculator for SFCM algorithm
belongsSGFCMmembership matrix calculator for SGFCM algorithm
boot_group_validationCheck the robustness of a classification by Bootstrap
boot_group_validation.mcCheck that the obtained groups are stable by bootstrap...
boot_workerWorker function for cluster bootstrapping
calcBelongMatrixCalculate the membership matrix
calcBelongMatrixNoisyCalculate the membership matrix with a noise cluster
calcCalinskiHarabaszCalinski-Harabasz index
calcCentroidsCalculate the centroids
calcDaviesBouldinDavies-Bouldin index
calcELSAcalculate ELSA statistic for a hard partition
calcEuclideanDistanceCalculate the Euclidean distance
calcEuclideanDistance2euclidean distance between rows of a matrix and a vector
calcEuclideanDistance3euclidean distance between rows of a matrix and a vector...
calcexplainedInertiaExplained inertia index
calcFGCMBelongMatrixCalculate the generalized membership matrix
calcFGCMBelongMatrixNoisyCalculate the generalized membership matrix with a noise...
calcFukuyamaSugenoFukuyama and Sugeno index
calcFuzzyELSAcalculate ELSA statistic for a fuzzy partition
calcFuzzyElsa_rasterLocal Fuzzy ELSA statistic for raster
calcGD43Generalized Dunn’s index (43)
calcGD53Generalized Dunn’s index (53)
calc_jaccard_idxJaccard similarity coefficient
calc_jaccard_matJaccard similarity coefficient between columns of two...
calcLaggedDataLagged Data
calc_local_moran_rasterLocal Moran I for raster
calc_moran_rasterGlobal Moran I for raster
calcNegentropyINegentropy Increment index
calcQualIdxcalculate the quality index required
calcqualityIndexesQuality indexes
calc_raster_spinconsistencycalculate spatial inconsistency for raster
calcRobustSigmasCalculate sigmas for the robust version of the c-means...
calcSFCMBelongMatrixCalculate the membership matrix (spatial version)
calcSFCMBelongMatrixNoisyCalculate the membership matrix (spatial version) with a...
calcSFGCMBelongMatrixCalculate the generalized membership matrix (spatial version)
calcSFGCMBelongMatrixNoisyCalculate the generalized membership matrix (spatial version)...
calcSilhouetteIdxFuzzy Silhouette index
calcSWFCCentroidsCalculate the centroids of SFCM
calcUncertaintyIndexDiversity index
calcWdataRasterCalculate lagged values for a raster dataset
cat_to_belongingsConvert categories to membership matrix
centersFCMcenter matrix calculator for FCM algorithm
centersGFCMcenter matrix calculator for GFCM algorithm
centersSFCMcenter matrix calculator for SFCM algorithm
centersSGFCMcenter matrix calculator for SGFCM algorithm
check_matdistCheck validity of a dissimilarity matrix
check_raters_dimsCheck dimensions of a list of rasters
check_windowCheck the shape of a window
circular_windowCircular window
div_matrices_bycolelement wise division of two matrices by column
Elsa_categorical_matrix_windowElsa statistic calculated on a matrix with a given window
Elsa_fuzzy_matrix_windowFuzzy Elsa statistic calculated on a matrix with a given...
elsa_fuzzy_vectorLocal Fuzzy ELSA statistic for vector
elsa_rastercalculate ELSA spatial statistic for raster dataset
elsa_vectorcalculate ELSA spatial statistic for vector dataset
eval_parametersWorker function
evaluateMatricesMatrix evaluation
FCMresInstantiate a FCMres object
focal_adj_mean_arr_windowfocal mean weighted by inverse of euclidean distance on a...
focal_euclideanfocal euclidean distance on a list of matrices
focal_euclidean_arr_windowfocal euclidean distance on a matrix with a given window for...
focal_euclidean_mat_windowfocal euclidean distance on a matrix with a given window
GCMeansGeneralized C-means
geocmeansgeocmeans: A package implementing methods for spatially...
geocmeans_envgeocmeans general environment
groups_matchingMatch the groups obtained from two classifications
input_raster_dataRaster data preparation
is.FCMresis method for FCMres
kppCenterskpp centers selection
local_moranI_matrix_windowLocal Moran I calculated on a matrix with a given window
LyonIrissocial and environmental indicators for the Iris of the...
main_workerMain worker function
mapClustersMapping the clusters
mapRastersMapping the clusters (rasters)
mapThisMapping the clusters
max_matmaximum in a matrix
moranI_matrix_windowMoran I calculated on a matrix with a given window
output_raster_dataRaster result transformation
plot.FCMresPlot method for FCMres object
power_matpower of a matrix
pow_matrices_bycolelement wise power of a matrix by column
predict.FCMresPredict method for FCMres object
predict_membershipPredict matrix membership for new observations
print.FCMresprint method for FCMres
prod_matrices_bycolelement wise product of two matrices by column
rowmins_matminimum of each row of a matrix
sanity_checkParameter checking function
select_parametersSelect parameters for a clustering algorithm
select_parameters.mcSelect parameters for clustering algorithm (multicore)
spatialDiagSpatial diagnostic
sp_clust_explorerClassification result explorer
spConsistencySpatial consistency index
spiderPlotsSpider chart
sqrt_matrix_bycolelement wise square root of a matrix by column
standardizerStandardizing helper
sub_matrices_bycolsubstraction of two matrices by column
summarizeClustersDescriptive statistics by group
summary.FCMresSummary method for FCMres
test_inferior_matcreate a logical matrix with inferior comparison
uncertaintyMapUncertainty map
undecidedUnitsUndecided observations
vecminminimum of a vector
vector_out_prodcreate a matrix by multiplying a vector by its elements one...
violinPlotsViolin plots
geocmeans documentation built on Sept. 12, 2023, 9:06 a.m.