## ----pkg-load, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, eval = FALSE--------------------
# devtools::load_all (".", export_all = FALSE)
## ----intro, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
# n <- 50
# x <- cbind (-10 + 20 * runif (n), -10 + 20 * runif (n))
# y <- cbind (-10 + 20 * runif (2 * n), -10 + 20 * runif (2 * n))
# colnames (x) <- colnames (y) <- c ("x", "y")
# d0 <- geodist (x) # A 50-by-50 matrix
# d1 <- geodist (x, y) # A 50-by-100 matrix
# d2 <- geodist (x, sequential = TRUE) # Vector of length 49
# d2 <- geodist (x, sequential = TRUE, pad = TRUE) # Vector of length 50
## ----tibble, eval = FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
# n <- 1e1
# x <- tibble::tibble (
# x = -180 + 360 * runif (n),
# y = -90 + 180 * runif (n)
# )
# dim (geodist (x))
# #> [1] 10 10
# y <- tibble::tibble (
# x = -180 + 360 * runif (2 * n),
# y = -90 + 180 * runif (2 * n)
# )
# dim (geodist (x, y))
# #> [1] 10 20
# x <- cbind (
# -180 + 360 * runif (n),
# -90 + 100 * runif (n),
# seq (n), runif (n)
# )
# colnames (x) <- c ("lon", "lat", "a", "b")
# dim (geodist (x))
# #> [1] 10 10
## ----geodist_benchmark, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------
# geodist_benchmark (lat = 30, d = 1000)
# #> haversine vincenty cheap
# #> absolute 0.836551561 0.836551562 0.594188257
# #> relative 0.002155514 0.002155514 0.001616718
## ----plot, eval = FALSE, echo = FALSE-----------------------------------------
# lat <- 30
# d <- 10^(1:35 / 5) # 1m to 100 km
# y <- lapply (d, function (i) geodist_benchmark (lat = lat, d = i))
# yabs <- (rbind, lapply (y, function (i) i [1, ]))
# yrel <- 100 * (rbind, lapply (y, function (i) i [2, ]))
# yvals <- list (yabs, yrel)
# cols <- c ("skyblue", "lawngreen", "tomato")
# par (mfrow = c (1, 2))
# ylabs <- c ("Absolute error (m)", "Relative error (%)")
# ylims <- list (range (yvals [[1]]), c (min (yvals [[2]]), 1))
# for (i in 1:2)
# {
# plot (NULL, NULL,
# xlim = range (d / 1000), ylim = ylims [[i]],
# bty = "l", log = "xy", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
# xlab = "distance (km)", ylab = ylabs [i]
# )
# axis (d / 1000,
# side = 1, at = c (0.001, 0.1, 10, 1e3, 1e4),
# labels = c ("0.001", "0.1", "10", "1000", "")
# )
# if (i == 1) {
# yl <- 10^(-3:5)
# axis (yvals [[i]],
# side = 2, at = c (0.001, 0.1, 10, 100, 10000),
# labels = c ("0.001", "0.1", "10", "100", "1000")
# )
# } else {
# yl <- c (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1, 2)
# axis (yvals [[i]],
# side = 2, at = yl,
# labels = c ("0.1", "0.2", "0.3", "0.4", "0.5", "1", "2")
# )
# }
# junk <- sapply (yl, function (j) {
# lines (range (d / 1000), rep (j, 2),
# col = "grey", lty = 2
# )
# })
# xl <- 10^(-3:6)
# junk <- sapply (xl, function (j) {
# lines (rep (j, 2), range (yvals [[i]]),
# col = "grey", lty = 2
# )
# })
# for (j in 1:3) {
# lines (d / 1000, yvals [[i]] [, j], col = cols [j])
# }
# legend ("topleft",
# lwd = 1, col = cols, bty = "n",
# legend = colnames (yvals [[i]])
# )
# }
## ----benchmark-measures, eval = FALSE-----------------------------------------
# n <- 1e3
# dx <- dy <- 0.01
# x <- cbind (-100 + dx * runif (n), 20 + dy * runif (n))
# y <- cbind (-100 + dx * runif (2 * n), 20 + dy * runif (2 * n))
# colnames (x) <- colnames (y) <- c ("x", "y")
# rbenchmark::benchmark (
# replications = 10, order = "test",
# d1 <- geodist (x, measure = "cheap"),
# d2 <- geodist (x, measure = "haversine"),
# d3 <- geodist (x, measure = "vincenty"),
# d4 <- geodist (x, measure = "geodesic")
# ) [, 1:4]
# #> test replications elapsed relative
# #> 1 d1 <- geodist(x, measure = "cheap") 10 0.058 1.000
# #> 2 d2 <- geodist(x, measure = "haversine") 10 0.185 3.190
# #> 3 d3 <- geodist(x, measure = "vincenty") 10 0.276 4.759
# #> 4 d4 <- geodist(x, measure = "geodesic") 10 3.106 53.552
## ----x_to_sf, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------------
# require (magrittr)
# x_to_sf <- function (x) {
# sapply (seq (nrow (x)), function (i) {
# sf::st_point (x [i, ]) %>%
# sf::st_sfc ()
# }) %>%
# sf::st_sfc (crs = 4326)
# }
## ----benchmark-sf, eval = FALSE-----------------------------------------------
# n <- 1e2
# x <- cbind (-180 + 360 * runif (n), -90 + 180 * runif (n))
# colnames (x) <- c ("x", "y")
# xsf <- x_to_sf (x)
# sf_dist <- function (x) sf::st_distance (x, x)
# geo_dist <- function (x) geodist (x, measure = "geodesic")
# rbenchmark::benchmark (
# replications = 10, order = "test",
# sf_dist (xsf),
# geo_dist (x)
# ) [, 1:4]
# #> Linking to GEOS 3.6.2, GDAL 2.3.0, proj.4 5.0.1
# #> test replications elapsed relative
# #> 2 geo_dist(x) 10 0.066 1.000
# #> 1 sf_dist(xsf) 10 0.210 3.182
## ----benchmark-sf-accuracy, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------
# ds <- matrix (as.numeric (sf_dist (xsf)), nrow = length (xsf))
# dg <- geodist (x, measure = "geodesic")
# formatC (max (abs (ds - dg)), format = "e")
# #> [1] "7.4506e-09"
## ----echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
n <- 1e4
x <- cbind (-180 + 360 * runif (n), -90 + 180 * runif (n))
colnames (x) <- c ("x", "y")
## ----sequential, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------
# fgeodist <- function () geodist (x, measure = "vincenty", sequential = TRUE)
# fgeosph <- function () geosphere::distVincentySphere (x)
# rbenchmark::benchmark (
# replications = 10, order = "test",
# fgeodist (),
# fgeosph ()
# ) [, 1:4]
# #> test replications elapsed relative
# #> 1 fgeodist() 10 0.022 1.000
# #> 2 fgeosph() 10 0.048 2.182
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