geoelectrics-package: geoelectrics: 3D-Visualization of Geoelectric Resistivity...

geoelectrics-packageR Documentation

geoelectrics: 3D-Visualization of Geoelectric Resistivity Measurement Profiles


Electrical resistivity tomography is an efficient geophysical technique to investigate the spatial extent of subsurface structures. Many scientific objectives in geology demand three-dimensional imaging. 3D electrical resistivity tomography provides a technique to survey three-dimensional structures. Nonetheless, 3D electrical resistivity tomography requires an enormous amount of time as well as a high work load. In most cases, 2D electrical resistivity tomography is used to obtain two-dimensional subsurface profiles. This R package enables the user to visualize two-dimensional profiles in three dimensions.


Anja Kleebaum

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geoelectrics documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 8:06 p.m.