Man pages for geomedb
Functions for Fetching 'GeOMe-db' Data

fasterqDumpDownload or convert fastq data from NCBI Sequence Read...
fastqDumpDownload or convert fastq data from NCBI Sequence Read...
geomedbgeomedb - an R package for querying metadata and associated...
listEntitiesGet a list of entities (i.e. tables) available to query
listExpeditionsGet a list of expeditions for a GEOME project
listLociGet a list of loci that are stored in FASTA format directly...
listProjectsGet a list of projects in GEOME
prefetchDownload data from NCBI Sequence Read Archive in .sra format...
queryMetadataQuery metadata from the GEOME database.
querySangerQuery Sanger sequences directly from the GEOME database
geomedb documentation built on July 15, 2020, 5:07 p.m.