
|Standard |Title |Namespace |Coverage | Supported| Missing| |:------------------------------------|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:---------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------:|-------:| |ISO/TC211 19110:2005 |Geographic Information - Methodology for feature cataloguing |GFC |ISO/TC211 19110:2005 | 17| 0| |ISO/TC211 19115-1:2003 |Geographic Information - Metadata |GMD |ISO/TC211 19115-1:2003 | 132| 0| |ISO/TC211 19115-2:2009 |Geographic Information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data |GMI |ISO/TC211 19115-2:2009 | 40| 0| |ISO/TC211 19119:2005 |Geographic Information - Service Metadata |SRV |ISO/TC211 19119:2005 | 7| 12| |ISO/TC211 19139:2007 |Geographic Metadata XML Schema |GMX |ISO/TC211 19139:2007 | 5| 62| |ISO/TS 19103:2005 |Geographic Common extensible markup language |GCO |ISO/TS 19103:2005 | 23| 0| |GML 3.2.1 (ISO 19136) |Geographic Markup Language |GML |GML 3.2.1 (ISO 19136) | 63| 106| |GML 3.2.1 Coverage (OGC GMLCOV) |OGC GML Coverage Implementation Schema |GMLCOV |GML 3.2.1 Coverage (OGC GMLCOV) | 2| 3| |GML 3.3 Referenceable Grid (OGC GML) |OGC GML Referenceable Grid |GMLRGRID |GML 3.3 Referenceable Grid (OGC GML) | 6| 0| |SWE 2.0 |Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) Common Data Model |SWE |SWE 2.0 | 19| 11|

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geometa documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:31 a.m.