#' Takes one or more features and returns their area
#' in square meters.
#' @export
#' @param x (character) a [Feature] or [FeatureCollection]
#' @return (numeric) area in square meters
#' @examples
#' polygons <- '{
#' "type": "FeatureCollection",
#' "features": [
#' {
#' "type": "Feature",
#' "properties": {},
#' "geometry": {
#' "type": "Polygon",
#' "coordinates": [[
#' [-67.031021, 10.458102],
#' [-67.031021, 10.53372],
#' [-66.929397, 10.53372],
#' [-66.929397, 10.458102],
#' [-67.031021, 10.458102]
#' ]]
#' }
#' }, {
#' "type": "Feature",
#' "properties": {},
#' "geometry": {
#' "type": "Polygon",
#' "coordinates": [[
#' [-66.919784, 10.397325],
#' [-66.919784, 10.513467],
#' [-66.805114, 10.513467],
#' [-66.805114, 10.397325],
#' [-66.919784, 10.397325]
#' ]]
#' }
#' }
#' ]
#' }'
#' geo_area(polygons)
geo_area <- function(x) area(x)
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